stereobooster / react-snap

👻 Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs
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Windows WSL - pageerror at /: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.' #509

Open bknill opened 3 years ago

bknill commented 3 years ago

Bug Report

Current Behavior A clear and concise description of the behavior.

I'm running this under WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) and get this error pageerror at /: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.' when it starts. My collegues on Linux and Mac can run it fine.

Assume something to do with paths, any idea how to find it?

If I remove CSS, error is Unexpected token '<'` if I remove JS, there are no errors.

Reproducible demo Link to GitHub repository or codesandbox with a demo of the bug behavior.

Expected behavior/code A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen (or code).

Possible Solution

Additional context/Screenshots Add any other context about the problem here. If applicable, add screenshots to help explain.

<ref *1> Page {
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