stereolabs / zed-opencv

ZED SDK interface sample for OpenCV
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ZED camera has access violation error #40

Closed nyanmn closed 7 years ago

nyanmn commented 7 years ago

I used ZED camera to capture 3-D images. At the api grab(), I have access violation error. I can run the sample exe file for depth viewer, just that interfacing from my code has issue. That happened at my industrial PC. The same code I used at my development PC and no issue. What could be wrong? Thanks

WASCHMASCHINE commented 7 years ago

Post more details about your setup and share some code!

nyanmn commented 7 years ago

I have

void BaggageSoln::startZED()
    debugtext << "inside startZED" << endl;
    // Start the thread for grabbing ZED data
    has_data = false;
    debugtext << "inside startZED, before thread" << endl;
    zed_callback = std::thread(&BaggageSoln::run, this);
    debugtext << "inside startZED, thread is called" << endl;
    //Wait for data to be grabbed
    while (!has_data)
Then inside run(); I have
void BaggageSoln::run() {
    debugtext << "inside run" << endl;
    while (!stop_signal) {
        debugtext << "inside run, before grab" << endl;
        ERROR_CODE e = zed.grab(sl::SENSING_MODE_STANDARD);
        debugtext << "inside run, before grab" << endl;
        if (e == SUCCESS) {
            mutex_input.lock(); // To prevent from data corruption
            zed.retrieveMeasure(data_cloud, MEASURE_XYZRGBA);//MEASURE_XYZ //MEASURE_XYZRGBA
            zed.retrieveImage(leftImg_sl, sl::VIEW_LEFT);
            cv::Mat crop;
            cv::Mat temp = cv::Mat(leftImg_sl.getHeight(), leftImg_sl.getWidth(), CV_8UC4, leftImg_sl.getPtr<sl::uchar1>(sl::MEM_CPU));
            cv::cvtColor(temp, crop, CV_RGBA2GRAY);
            crop(cv::Rect(xpt, ypt, rectl, rectw)).copyTo(leftImg); 
            for (int i = 3; i < 7; i = i + 2)
                GaussianBlur(leftImg, leftImg, cv::Size(i, i), 0, 0);
            has_data = true;            
The error always happen at

Since I make the C++ dll and run from C# exe program, the error at C# output is 
exe has existed with code (0XC0000005) ACCESS VIOLATION

What could be the issue?
I can run sample programs from ZED SDK/tools/ and ZED SDK/app.

But can't run from ZED SDK/samples/bin, those exe program gives me error as error:usb low bandwidth.
nyanmn commented 7 years ago

I check error number and it is 6, that means ERROR_CODE_LOW_USB_BANDWIDTH. But why I can run those exe files from ZED SDK/tools/ and ZED SDK/app.

nyanmn commented 7 years ago

access violation error is because of camera is not opened with ERROR_CODE_LOW_USB_BANDWIDTH error.

obraun-sl commented 7 years ago


This error happens when a lot of corrupted frames are detected. Either try to reduce the FPS in InitParameters to reduce the data size, or try to use a powered USB hub to give more power to the camera.

PS : If possible, try to give some information about your PC (Win7,8,10, Linux, Jetson....)


nyanmn commented 7 years ago

Yes now I changed to 60 fps and it works. Thank you.