stereolabs / zed-ros-wrapper

ROS wrapper for the ZED SDK
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Non-static transform from base_link to camera #496

Open MikeWrockAIS opened 4 years ago

MikeWrockAIS commented 4 years ago

I noticed that even though you can set the frame in which to publish the ZED's odometry information, the current TF is not used. For example: if the camera is on a moving arm, when the arm moves the camera will publish odometry as if base_link moved, ignoring the current base_link to camera transform. Is there any way to tell the zed-wrapper the camera moves relative to base link during operation?

Myzhar commented 4 years ago

Hi @MikeWrockAIS the default URDF is designed for robots with the camera statically linked to base_link, but you can change it according to your configuration.

In your case you can simply change the type of joint between zed_camera_center and base_link from fixed to floating

In this way the robot_state_publisher will not publish the relative TF, but you should do it in one of your nodes, otherwise the TF of the ZED will result as broken.

MikeWrockAIS commented 4 years ago

Does it have to be the zed_camera_center to base_link joint that is floating or can it be one joint along the TF tree such as: base_link -> rotating_arm (floating) rotating_arm -> zed_camera_center (fixed)

Myzhar commented 4 years ago

It depends on your configuration. You should modify the ZED URDF according to how the camera is linked on the robot. The important thing is that the chain zed_camera_center -> .... -> base_link is not broken and the ROS TF can always calculate the zed_camera_center -> base_link transform

MikeWrockAIS commented 4 years ago

It seems like once a valid transform from camera to base link is acquired mCamera2BaseTransfValid is set to true. Since the transform is only updated if mCamera2BaseTransfValid is false, I don't see how providing an up to date TF tree helps. Perhaps I should set mCamera2BaseTransfValid to false or simply remove the if statement and call getCamera2BaseTransform() every time?

Myzhar commented 4 years ago

Yes, in your case you must update it at every cycle so you must remove the check. We will add a parameter to discriminate between static and not static transform.

MikeWrockAIS commented 4 years ago

awesome, thanks a lot

Myzhar commented 4 years ago

I keep the issue open as reminder for the feature to be added

tugbakara commented 2 years ago

I have a smilar issue, tomorrow I will open a new issue and add the details.