stereolabs / zed-ros-wrapper

ROS wrapper for the ZED SDK
MIT License
447 stars 391 forks source link


Closed GGshmily closed 2 years ago

GGshmily commented 2 years ago

Preliminary Checks


Hi, I am using ZED with sdk 3.7.2 and I start ros wrapper node for zed("roslaunch zed_wrapper zed.launch") I get error saying "ZED connection -> CAMERA STREAM FAILED TO START". I dont know how to solve this.

Steps to Reproduce

1.roslaunch zed_wrapper zed.launch 2.... logging to /home/jimlee/.ros/log/c276a5b6-d4f2-11ec-aaca-244bfe040bbb/roslaunch-lhg-17876.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://lhg:44849/



NODES /zed/ zed_node (zed_wrapper/zed_wrapper_node) zed_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher)

auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [17899] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311

setting /run_id to c276a5b6-d4f2-11ec-aaca-244bfe040bbb process[rosout-1]: started with pid [17915] started core service [/rosout] process[zed/zed_state_publisher-2]: started with pid [17922] process[zed/zed_node-3]: started with pid [17923] [ INFO] [1652689965.861238309]: Initializing nodelet with 6 worker threads. [ INFO] [1652689965.871648918]: ** Starting nodelet '/zed/zed_node' ** [ INFO] [1652689965.871692887]: SDK version : 3.7.2 [ INFO] [1652689965.871710654]: GENERAL PARAMETERS [ INFO] [1652689965.871922337]: Camera Name -> zed [ INFO] [1652689965.872276921]: Camera Resolution -> HD720 [ INFO] [1652689965.872501258]: Camera Grab Framerate -> 15 [ INFO] [1652689965.872718460]: Gpu ID -> -1 [ INFO] [1652689965.872925096]: Camera ID -> -1 [ INFO] [1652689965.873101496]: Verbose -> DISABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.873469914]: Camera Flip -> DISABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.873911059]: Self calibration -> ENABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.874373294]: * Camera Model by param -> zed [ INFO] [1652689965.874390581]: VIDEO PARAMETERS [ INFO] [1652689965.874594721]: Image resample factor -> 0.5 [ INFO] [1652689965.874807274]: Extrinsic param. frame -> X RIGHT - Y DOWN - Z FWD [ INFO] [1652689965.874819169]: DEPTH PARAMETERS [ INFO] [1652689965.875002352]: Depth quality -> PERFORMANCE [ INFO] [1652689965.875240884]: Depth Sensing mode -> STANDARD [ INFO] [1652689965.875444420]: OpenNI mode -> DISABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.875642626]: Depth Stabilization -> ENABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.875816843]: Minimum depth -> 0.7 m [ INFO] [1652689965.875989995]: Maximum depth -> 10 m [ INFO] [1652689965.876200698]: * Depth resample factor -> 0.5 [ INFO] [1652689965.876213623]: POSITIONAL TRACKING PARAMETERS [ INFO] [1652689965.876594853]: Positional tracking -> ENABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.876762432]: Path rate -> 2 Hz [ INFO] [1652689965.876953548]: Path history size -> 1 [ INFO] [1652689965.877377271]: Odometry DB path -> /home/jimlee/.ros/zed_area_memory.area [ INFO] [1652689965.877752249]: Save Area Memory on closing -> DISABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.878191349]: Area Memory -> ENABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.878549128]: IMU Fusion -> ENABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.878996210]: Floor alignment -> DISABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.879422190]: Init Odometry with first valid pose data -> ENABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.879768670]: Two D mode -> DISABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.880158304]: MAPPING PARAMETERS [ INFO] [1652689965.880562151]: Mapping -> DISABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.880940443]: Clicked point topic -> /clicked_point [ INFO] [1652689965.880958338]: OBJECT DETECTION PARAMETERS [ INFO] [1652689965.881170858]: * Object Detection -> DISABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.881188629]: SENSORS PARAMETERS [ INFO] [1652689965.881199314]: * The ZED camera has no available inertial/environmental sensors. [ INFO] [1652689965.881208154]: SVO PARAMETERS [ INFO] [1652689965.881586291]: SVO input file: -> [ INFO] [1652689965.881829014]: SVO REC compression -> H265 (HEVC) [ INFO] [1652689965.882204456]: COORDINATE FRAMES [ INFO] [1652689965.883124443]: map_frame -> map [ INFO] [1652689965.883137618]: odometry_frame -> odom [ INFO] [1652689965.883151315]: base_frame -> base_link [ INFO] [1652689965.883162239]: camera_frame -> zed_camera_center [ INFO] [1652689965.883170351]: imu_link -> zed_imu_link [ INFO] [1652689965.883180706]: left_camera_frame -> zed_left_camera_frame [ INFO] [1652689965.883190291]: left_camera_optical_frame -> zed_left_camera_optical_frame [ INFO] [1652689965.883199559]: right_camera_frame -> zed_right_camera_frame [ INFO] [1652689965.883209348]: right_camera_optical_frame -> zed_right_camera_optical_frame [ INFO] [1652689965.883220178]: depth_frame -> zed_left_camera_frame [ INFO] [1652689965.883229610]: depth_optical_frame -> zed_left_camera_optical_frame [ INFO] [1652689965.883238942]: disparity_frame -> zed_left_camera_frame [ INFO] [1652689965.883248176]: disparity_optical_frame -> zed_left_camera_optical_frame [ INFO] [1652689965.883257936]: confidence_frame -> zed_left_camera_frame [ INFO] [1652689965.883267860]: confidence_optical_frame -> zed_left_camera_optical_frame [ INFO] [1652689965.883655967]: Broadcast odometry TF -> ENABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.883990826]: Broadcast map pose TF -> ENABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.884205836]: Broadcast IMU pose TF -> ENABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.884224660]: DYNAMIC PARAMETERS (Init. values) [ INFO] [1652689965.884477476]: [DYN] Depth confidence -> 30 [ INFO] [1652689965.884694786]: [DYN] Depth texture conf. -> 100 [ INFO] [1652689965.884958175]: [DYN] pub_frame_rate -> 15 Hz [ INFO] [1652689965.885146262]: [DYN] point_cloud_freq -> 10 Hz [ INFO] [1652689965.885360627]: [DYN] brightness -> 4 [ INFO] [1652689965.885536697]: [DYN] contrast -> 4 [ INFO] [1652689965.885744304]: [DYN] hue -> 0 [ INFO] [1652689965.885920318]: [DYN] saturation -> 4 [ INFO] [1652689965.886099603]: [DYN] sharpness -> 4 [ INFO] [1652689965.886273084]: [DYN] gamma -> 8 [ INFO] [1652689965.886438014]: [DYN] auto_exposure_gain -> ENABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.886892206]: [DYN] auto_whitebalance -> ENABLED [ INFO] [1652689965.890406188]: * Camera coordinate system -> Right HANDED Z UP and X FORWARD [ INFO] [1652689965.890456634]: *** Opening ZED... [ INFO] [1652689971.400838207]: ZED connection -> CAMERA STREAM FAILED TO START [ INFO] [1652689978.882216511]: ZED connection -> CAMERA STREAM FAILED TO START [ INFO] [1652689986.133927124]: ZED connection -> CAMERA STREAM FAILED TO START [ INFO] [1652689993.746683855]: ZED connection -> CAMERA STREAM FAILED TO START [ INFO] [1652690001.871145039]: ZED connection -> CAMERA STREAM FAILED TO START [ INFO] [1652690009.030932400]: ZED connection -> CAMERA STREAM FAILED TO START [ INFO] [1652690016.285683211]: ZED connection -> CAMERA STREAM FAILED TO START

Expected Result


Actual Result


ZED Camera model



ZED SDK Version:3.7.2

Anything else?

No response

Myzhar commented 2 years ago

@GGshmily this is a support request, not a ZED ROS Wrapper bug. Please write an email to adding the report file generated by the ZED Diagnostic tool.