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I can not get the desired frequency for image capture and publication, same for pos. tracking (/tf)from the camera.
Based on solutions of related issues I investigated:
CPU (ca. 50% use) and GPU (sometimes 70% spikes, otherwise much lower) are not close to their limit.
subscribing to camera images / NOT subscribing has no influence on the effective frequency (ruling out high network traffic?!)
I tried many combination of parameters I could think of, especially parameters that I suppose have the biggest influence on computation, starting from the standard common.yaml and zedxm.yaml: grab_resolution, grab_frame_rate, min_depth, depth_mode, point_cloud_freq, path_max_count, mapping and object detection are off
jetson_clocks did not make any difference
My main usage of the camera is Pos. tracking and publication of map -> odom -> base_link.
Steps to Reproduce
Run ros wrapper
Observe capture/publish frequency via rostopic hz and rqt diagnostics
Expected Result
As defined in yaml files: 15hz frequency
Actual Result
Maximum of 10-12 hz frequency.
ZED Camera model
ZED Mini
Hardware setup:
ZED x mini with capture card mono:
- driver: stereolabs-zedx_1.0.5-ZED-LINK-MONO-L4T35.4.1_arm64
Jetson Orin nano:
- ZED SDK: ZED_SDK_Tegra_L4T35.4_v4.1.3
- ROS noetic
- Jetpack 5.1.2 L4t 35.4.1
- ROS master runs on other jetson device, connected via gigabit router (which can easily route other images streams)
Anything else?
Is there any important parameter I am missing that has a big influence on computation?
Is the Jetson Orin Nano just too weak to compute the pos. tracking?
Could a change to ROS2 code improve the situation?
Preliminary Checks
I can not get the desired frequency for image capture and publication, same for pos. tracking (/tf)from the camera. Based on solutions of related issues I investigated:
My main usage of the camera is Pos. tracking and publication of map -> odom -> base_link.
Steps to Reproduce
Expected Result
As defined in yaml files: 15hz frequency
Actual Result
Maximum of 10-12 hz frequency.
ZED Camera model
ZED Mini
Anything else?