stereolabs / zed-ros2-wrapper

ROS 2 wrapper for the ZED SDK
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ROS Eloquent - ZED_compoenet build error #12

Closed harisiva1 closed 3 years ago

harisiva1 commented 3 years ago

Screenshot from 2020-09-12 11-02-50 Hello, I get an std error(please see the attached image) for zed_component while trying to build the package in ros eloquent.Could you please support?

Also i don't see any node or launch files to view camera output in rviz. When is it expected to release here / any release planned?

Thanks in advance !

Regards, Hari.s

Myzhar commented 3 years ago

Hi @harisiva1 the Eloquent branch is under active development and it has not yet been officially released in a stable version

However your problem seems related to CUDA that has not been correctly installed in your system.

About RVIZ, currently we have not yet added a launch file for it because we are adding new features continuously and we are simply manually starting RVIZ using the rviz2 command and we are selecting to view only the topic that are under testing.

harisiva1 commented 3 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your quick reply. yeah it was a problem with CUDA, "" seems to be missing in CUDA 11 for Ubuntu 18.

So i tried with CUDA10.2 and corresponding ZDK version in ros eloquent.It was build successfully however with many warnings and atlast stderr output(zed_compoenent). Please see the attached image.

I am waiting for the stable version release for eloquent. Thanks for the update!

Screenshot from 2020-09-10 12-47-59 Screenshot from 2020-09-10 12-48-31

Myzhar commented 3 years ago

OK, you can ignore those warnings. If you compile forcing the Release mode they will disappear: colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args=-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

The main functionalities of the node are working: image,depth,pointcloud,positional tracking, TF, dynamic parameters. We are currently working to add spatial mapping and object detection support

harisiva1 commented 3 years ago

hello, i am unable to find and run nodes which gives image,depth and point cloud etc., in eloquent.can you support me?

Myzhar commented 3 years ago

The release for ROS2 Eloquent has not yet been merged into master branch. It is yet under development and you can get latest version checking out the eloquent branch and recompiling. As it is yet under active development it may change daily before the merging into master.

Myzhar commented 3 years ago

To start the node you can follow the instructions in the README file:

Myzhar commented 3 years ago

Have you followed the installation instruction in the README?

I add here the steps to clone the eloquent branch:

$ cd ~/ros2_ws/src/ #use your current ros2 workspace folder
$ git clone
$ cd zed-ros2-wrapper
$ git checkout eloquent
$ cd ../..
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
$ colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args=-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ echo source $(pwd)/install/local_setup.bash >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
harisiva1 commented 3 years ago

git pull resolved my previous issue. now i am able to launch the file but i don't see the topics like rect_image_raw ,cloud_point registered etc., in it is still under development right?

Myzhar commented 3 years ago

Many topic names are changes to match the names used in ROS1. You can see the full list of available topics with the command: $ ros2 topic list or using RQT

harisiva1 commented 3 years ago

yes i have looked at all the topic earlier using the cmd as you said above and neither zed is turning on(no light in zed camera) nor i can see the image(camera output,depth image,confidence image etc.,) in rviz after i launch the launch file and zed node. In short please answer for the below question Are nodes released in github to view point cloud,camera images,depth images in eloquent? if yes please let me know which topic do i need to choose to view it.

Myzhar commented 3 years ago

You can use rqt or rviz2 to view topics

Screenshot from 2020-10-10 16-08-26

harisiva1 commented 3 years ago

are the above images from rviz in eloquent?

Myzhar commented 3 years ago

They are

harisiva1 commented 3 years ago

please support me..i dont get to see the topics that u posted above.. i ran this cmd ros2 launch zed_wrapper i need to run someother file?? Screenshot from 2020-10-10 16-22-47

Myzhar commented 3 years ago

You cannot find any topic because the node is not running. If you read carefully the console log you can see that the lib file is missing. This means that you have not correctly installed CUDA on your machine. Can you run the zed tools? Try for example ZED_Depthviewer

Myzhar commented 3 years ago

@harisiva1 can you close this issue if you solved it?

harisiva1 commented 3 years ago

hi, sorry for the late reply! it has already worked me weeks ago ,so you can consider this issue as closed