stereolabs / zed-ros2-wrapper

ROS 2 wrapper for the ZED SDK
Apache License 2.0
134 stars 139 forks source link

Zed-x camera #182

Closed Indro-mostafa closed 8 months ago

Indro-mostafa commented 8 months ago

Preliminary Checks


Issue Description:

Upon executing the ROS2 launch command ros2 launch zed_wrapper, I receive warnings indicating that the cameras are not detected, specifically:


[WARN] [1694091471.724654966] [zed1.zed_node]: Error opening camera: CAMERA NOT DETECTED [zed_wrapper-4] [WARN] [1694091471.721022979] [zed2.zed_node]: Error opening camera: CAMERA NOT DETECTED

As a temporary remedy, rebooting the system sometimes allows the cameras to function properly. However, upon stopping the camera nodes and restarting them, the error reappears. Consequently, another system reboot is often required to potentially resolve the problem. This workaround is inconsistent as, in certain instances, even after rebooting, neither of the cameras are detected and operational.

Steps to Reproduce

1.Execute Launch Command:ros2 launch zed_wrapper 2.i will get the error [[WARN] [1694091471.724654966] [zed1.zed_node]: Error opening camera: CAMERA NOT DETECTED [zed_wrapper-4] [WARN] [1694091471.721022979] [zed2.zed_node]: Error opening camera: CAMERA NOT DETECTED

3.Reboot the system the error will be gone when relaunch the command the two cameras will be back 4.stop the launch and relaunch a gain

  1. i get the same error
  2. reboot and restart the service
  3. launch again one of the cameras will be working and the other one will be working
  4. reboot and restart the service
  5. the camera that wasn't working will work and the other one will not be working
  6. reboot and restart the service
  7. both cameras wont be working


Expected Result

Both cameras should be working when lunching them

Actual Result

Sometime they will work in first lunch after restarting the system then they will not work in second lunch

ZED Camera model



OS: Ubuntu 20.04  
CPU: Arm
GPU: Zed box Orin  
Zed SDK version: v35.3

Anything else?

No response

Myzhar commented 8 months ago

Hi @Indro-mostafa please write an email to This is not a wrapper issue.