stereolabs / zed-ros2-wrapper

ROS 2 wrapper for the ZED SDK
Apache License 2.0
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[Question] Jetson nano ip streaming #28

Open mastrcheif opened 3 years ago

mastrcheif commented 3 years ago

Hello, would it be possible to open the mZed camera with an ip address? I would like to stream multiple zed2 cameras over the network and do image and depth evaluation on another pc. As a requirement it is necessary to have all components talking over ros2 but running the ros2-zed2-node on the Jetson Nano itself is not optimal.

Myzhar commented 3 years ago

Hi @mastrcheif the ZED ROS Wrapper has a service to start remote streaming, but it's not yet available in the ROS2 wrapper because it was not required by other users. We will add this feature as soon as possible.

mastrcheif commented 3 years ago

@Myzhar this sounds like music to my ears. I thank you in advance for the implementation of that feature.

peredwardsson commented 2 years ago

Also curious about this feature! Any news? Thanks for the great work.

Myzhar commented 2 years ago

The feature will be released in the next big upgrade.

peredwardsson commented 2 years ago

Awesome! ETA?

jonpol01 commented 2 years ago

The feature will be released in the next big upgrade.

@Myzhar may I ask does this include the ros2 launcher to open a stream aswell? currently I am tinkering the zed_camera_component through a fork, and managed to do a 0 = default, 1 = stream camera.. but, having a hard time right now to have it open a stream.

I only have few knowledge about opening a stream by the provided examples. And I agree that I am doin something wrong or is not enough.

Myzhar commented 2 years ago

In the ROS1 wrapper there is a service for that. Maybe it will be the same

Howard-Ryu-Brooklyn commented 11 months ago

@Myzhar I'm trying to use ZED in ROS2 via streaming. Is the update your mentioned compeleted? if it is, how can I use it?