stereolabs / zed-sdk

⚡️The spatial perception framework for rapidly building smart robots and spaces
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ZED stream receiver : GLViewer.hpp error #210

Closed LudoTexx closed 4 years ago

LudoTexx commented 4 years ago


I just get my new ZED 2 camera today, and everything look to work great but i got one problem with the stream receiver code.

When i try to run the code i got this error in VS2019 : (after translation)

Can't open include file :'GLViewer.hpp' : No such file or directory.

I got no errors on my CMake results and this is the only project where i got this error.

The GLViewer.hpp file are on my include folder.

Best regard's, Ludo.

Annotation 2020-02-05 181827

LudoTexx commented 4 years ago

I have add the missing file into :

C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.2\include

And now i have same error but with 'GL/glew.h', i'm C# programmer, i do not use C++ usually.

It is possible to stream with your code sample and get the SbS video into a kind of IP receptor to HDMI to plug into a 3D TV?

thank you.

obraun-sl commented 4 years ago

Hi, It seems there is an issue on this sample, since it does not require GLViewer.h/.cpp anymore but the file is still in the repository. Try to delete the cmake cache (or just remove your build folder), then remove GLViewer.h/.cpp from the include/src directory and relaunch cmake again. It should not try to include GLViewer anymore

LudoTexx commented 4 years ago

Thank you.

Can you explain me about the stream protocol the ZED cam use?

I can't read the stream with my C# app, or VLC for exemple.

Can you write me the URI i can use for get the stream?


Thank you inadvance.

obraun-sl commented 4 years ago

The streaming module is made to be only received by the ZED SDK, therefore it's not a standard stream you can read by VLC or other apps. Either use the ZED SDK in your app (we have a unity (C#) plugin for the ZED SDK that might help), or if you want to have a standard stream and not use the ZED SDK on the receiver part, then I suggest to look at gstreamer (sender and receiver) to have standard streaming.

Links: Unity plugin GStreamer :

LudoTexx commented 4 years ago

ok thank you for that

Thank you for links too.
