stereolabs / zed-sdk

⚡️The spatial perception framework for rapidly building smart robots and spaces
MIT License
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"save_area_map" feature not working with Positional Tracking Mode GEN 2 :sob: #662

Open boardd opened 2 hours ago

boardd commented 2 hours ago

Preliminary Checks


When trying to save the area map using GEN_2 Positional tracking mode using the python SDK, the "print(repr(zed.get_area_export_state()))" prints SUCCESS, but the area file is not actually saved in the directory specified. When I use GEN_1 positional tracking mode, the area map is saved properly in the specified directory. Note: I am playing back a recorded SVO file when doing the positional tracking.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Start Playback of SVO File
  2. Start Positional Tracking
  3. Save Area Map ...

Expected Result

Area Map is saved in the specified directory

Actual Result

Area Map is not saved despite SUCCESS printed from print(repr(zed.get_area_export_state()))

ZED Camera model

ZED Mini


Zed SDK 4.2 (using the python SDK)
Python Version = Python 3.10.12
Ubuntu 22.04

Anything else?

Thank you in advance for helping!

boardd commented 2 hours ago
def process_svo(file_path):
    # Create a ZED camera object
    zed = sl.Camera()

    # Initialize the parameters for opening the SVO file
    init_params = sl.InitParameters()
    init_params.svo_real_time_mode = False  # Disable real-time mode for better processing
    init_params.coordinate_units = sl.UNIT.METER
    init_params.coordinate_system = sl.COORDINATE_SYSTEM.RIGHT_HANDED_Z_UP # Set a coordinate system for tracking
    init_params.depth_mode = sl.DEPTH_MODE.ULTRA

    # Open the SVO file
    status =
    if status != sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
        print(f"Failed to open SVO file: {status}")

    # Enable positional tracking
    tracking_params = sl.PositionalTrackingParameters()
    tracking_params.set_gravity_as_origin = False
    tracking_params.enable_area_memory = True
    tracking_params.enable_pose_smoothing = False
    tracking_params.enable_imu_fusion = True
    tracking_params.mode = sl.POSITIONAL_TRACKING_MODE.GEN_2
    # tracking_params.area_file_path = "test.area"

    status = zed.enable_positional_tracking(tracking_params)

    if status != sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
        print(f"Failed to enable positional tracking: {status}")

    tracked_pose = []
    trans_pose = []

    camera_info = zed.get_camera_information()
    viewer = gl.GLViewer()

    # Loop through frames in the SVO file
    while viewer.is_available():
        zed_pose = sl.Pose()
        if zed.grab() == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:

            # Get the pose of the camera relative to the world frame
            state = zed.get_position(zed_pose, sl.REFERENCE_FRAME.WORLD)
            tracking_status = zed.get_positional_tracking_status()

            if state == sl.POSITIONAL_TRACKING_STATE.OK:
                translation_left_to_center = zed.get_camera_information().camera_configuration.calibration_parameters.get_camera_baseline() / 2
                # Retrieve and transform the pose data into a new frame located at the center of the camera
                transformation = [translation_left_to_center, -0.085, -0.11, np.pi, 0, 0]

                transformed_pose = transform_pose(zed_pose.pose_data(sl.Transform()), transformation)
                # Display translation and timestamp

                py_translation = sl.Translation()
                tx = zed_pose.get_translation(py_translation).get()[0]
                ty = zed_pose.get_translation(py_translation).get()[1]
                tz = zed_pose.get_translation(py_translation).get()[2]

                trans_tx = transformed_pose.get_translation().get()[0]
                trans_ty = transformed_pose.get_translation().get()[1]
                trans_tz = transformed_pose.get_translation().get()[2]
                # print("Translation: tx: {0}, ty:  {1}, tz:  {2}, timestamp: {3}\n".format(tx, ty, tz, zed_pose.timestamp))

                #Display orientation quaternion
                py_orientation = sl.Orientation()
                ox = zed_pose.get_orientation(py_orientation).get()[0]
                oy = zed_pose.get_orientation(py_orientation).get()[1]
                oz = zed_pose.get_orientation(py_orientation).get()[2]
                ow = zed_pose.get_orientation(py_orientation).get()[3]

                trans_ox = transformed_pose.get_orientation().get()[0]
                trans_oy = transformed_pose.get_orientation().get()[1]
                trans_oz = transformed_pose.get_orientation().get()[2]
                trans_ow = transformed_pose.get_orientation().get()[3]
                # print("Orientation: ox: {0}, oy:  {1}, oz: {2}, ow: {3}\n".format(ox, oy, oz, ow))

                timestamp = zed_pose.timestamp.get_nanoseconds()

                rotation = zed_pose.get_rotation_vector()
                translation = zed_pose.get_translation(py_translation)
                text_rotation = str((round(rotation[0], 2), round(rotation[1], 2), round(rotation[2], 2)))
                text_translation = str((round(translation.get()[0], 2), round(translation.get()[1], 2), round(translation.get()[2], 2)))

                tracked_pose.append([timestamp, tx, ty, tz, ox, oy, oz, ow])
                trans_pose.append([timestamp, trans_tx, trans_ty, trans_tz, trans_ox, trans_oy, trans_oz, trans_ow])

                viewer.updateData(zed_pose.pose_data(sl.Transform()), text_translation, text_rotation, tracking_status)
                print("Tracking Failed")


    tracked_pose = np.array(tracked_pose)
    trans_pose = np.array(trans_pose)

    code = zed.save_area_map('test.area')


    if code == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
        print("Area map saved")

    # Close the camera and release resources

    return tracked_pose, trans_pose