stereum-dev / ethereum2-docker-compose

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Importing validator accounts to nimbus doesn't work #304

Open stefa2k opened 2 years ago

stefa2k commented 2 years ago

Reported on our Discord:

I have issues with importing validator keys. Nimbus/mainnet/Ubuntu 20.04.

GUI show everything is ok, except after successful import the validator list is empty.

I've put validator keys into /opt/stereum/ethereum2-docker-compose/launchpad/ and I've tried to execute playbook manually:

# ansible-playbook import-validator-accounts.yaml -e validator_keys_path=/opt/stereum/ethereum2-docker-compose/launchpad/ -e validator_password=INCORRECT_PASSWORD

No matter if password is correct or not, playbook finishes succesfully. Do you have any advice?

Oh, I can see the output from import script:

"stdout_lines": [
            "spawn sh -c  sudo docker exec -it stereum_beacon_1 /opt/app/build/nimbus_beacon_node deposits import \"/opt/app/validator_keys\" --data-dir=\"/opt/app/validator\" --network=\"mainnet\" ",
            "Error while processing the \u001b[34mimportedDepositsDir=/opt/app/validator_keys\u001b[0m parameter: Directory doesn't exist\u001b[0m",
            "Try \u001b[36mnimbus_beacon_node --help\u001b[0m for more information."

So there is no /opt/app/validator_keys directory inside docker container. When this directory should be created and by which script/playbook?

I copied validator keys into docker container, to /tmp directory. Then I run:

docker exec -it stereum_beacon_1 /opt/app/build/nimbus_beacon_node deposits import /tmp --data-dir=/opt/app/validator --network=mainnet

This time I was asked for password and typing incorrect one generated password invalid message. After typing correct password everything went fine. I've restarted docker container and I still can't see any validator activity 😦

NOT 2022-05-25 20:11:31.815+00:00 Starting beacon node topics="beacnde" version=v22.3.0-13b264-stateofus ... SLOTS_PER_EPOCH=32 SECONDS_PER_SLOT=12 SPEC_VERSION=1.1.10 dataDir=/opt/app/beacon validators=0
gbayasgalan commented 2 years ago

I'll have a look