sterglee / dottylab

An implementation of ScalaLab for Scala 3 (Dotty)
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build failing on Ubuntu 18.04 #1

Closed bjornregnell closed 2 years ago

bjornregnell commented 2 years ago

I tried to build by following instructions -- am I doing something wrong?

$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_292"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (AdoptOpenJDK)(build 1.8.0_292-b10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (AdoptOpenJDK)(build 25.292-b10, mixed mode)
$ sh 
[info] welcome to sbt 1.5.6 (AdoptOpenJDK Java 1.8.0_292)
[info] loading settings for project global-plugins from gpg.sbt ...
[info] loading global plugins from /home/bjornr/.sbt/1.0/plugins
[info] loading project definition from /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/project
[info] loading settings for project root from build copy.sbt,build.sbt ...
[info] set current project to ScalaLab (in build file:/home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/)
[info] sbt server started at local:///home/bjornr/.sbt/1.0/server/5b0702f753da830e1e35/sock
[info] started sbt server
sbt:ScalaLab> clean
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Dec 19, 2021 1:29:25 PM
sbt:ScalaLab> createUberJar
[info] compiling 96 Scala sources and 386 Java sources to /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/target/scala-2.13/classes ...
[info] Non-compiled module 'compiler-bridge_2.13' for Scala 2.13.6. Compiling...
[info]   Compilation completed in 6.529s.
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Combinatorics.scala:53:36: Lowercase el for long is not recommended because it is easy to confuse with numeral 1; use uppercase L instead
[warn]         for (i <- n until n-k by -1l) prod *= i
[warn]                                    ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Combinatorics.scala:82:24: Widening conversion from Long to Double is deprecated because it loses precision. Write `.toDouble` instead.
[warn]             prod = fac (kInt - 1)
[warn]                        ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Combinatorics.scala:85:39: Widening conversion from Long to Double is deprecated because it loses precision. Write `.toDouble` instead.
[warn]             prod *= SQRT_PI / pow (2, kInt)
[warn]                                       ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/CommonMaths/Mat.scala:157:29: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method numColumns,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]     if (b.numRows() == this.numColumns)  // direct solve
[warn]                             ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/CommonMaths/Mat.scala:227:15: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getLibraryMatrixRef,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   val rm = ac.getLibraryMatrixRef   // get the native real matrix reference
[warn]               ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/CommonMaths/Mat.scala:234:23: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method pinv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]     val pejml = ejmlM.pinv
[warn]                       ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/CommonMaths/Mat.scala:322:25: non-variable type argument Any in type scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[warn]      if (vv.isInstanceOf[scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any]]) { // we synthesize our Matrix from Matrices
[warn]                         ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/CommonMaths/Mat.scala:345:30: non-variable type argument Any in type pattern scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[warn]             case v: scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] =>
[warn]                              ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/CommonMaths/Mat.scala:25:13: method without a parameter list overrides a method with a single empty one
[warn]   final def matFromLibrary = new Mat(rm)
[warn]             ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:309:33: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method exp,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def exp(x: Complex) = x.exp
[warn]                                 ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:44:28: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method radius,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]     final def toPolar() = (radius, theta)
[warn]                            ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:44:36: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method theta,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]     final def toPolar() = (radius, theta)
[warn]                                    ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:297:34: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method sqrt,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def sqrt(x: Complex) = x.sqrt
[warn]                                  ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:298:36: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method sqrt1z,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def sqrt1z(x: Complex) = x.sqrt1z
[warn]                                    ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:299:33: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method abs,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def abs(x: Complex) = x.abs
[warn]                                 ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:300:33: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method sin,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def sin(x: Complex) = x.sin
[warn]                                 ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:301:34: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method asin,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def asin(x: Complex) = x.asin
[warn]                                  ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:302:34: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method sinh,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def sinh(x: Complex) = x.sinh
[warn]                                  ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:303:33: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method cos,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def cos(x: Complex) = x.cos
[warn]                                 ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:304:34: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method acos,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def acos(x: Complex) = x.acos
[warn]                                  ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:305:34: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method cosh,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def cosh(x: Complex) = x.cosh
[warn]                                  ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:306:33: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method tan,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def tan(x: Complex) = x.tan
[warn]                                 ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:307:34: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method atan,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def atan(x: Complex) = x.atan
[warn]                                  ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:308:34: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method tanh,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def tanh(x: Complex) = x.tanh
[warn]                                  ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:310:33: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method log,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def log(x: Complex) = x.log
[warn]                                 ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:312:36: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getArg,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def getArg(x: Complex) = x.getArg
[warn]                                    ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Complex.scala:313:41: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getArgument,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def getArgument(x: Complex) = x.getArgument
[warn]                                         ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/ComplexMatrix.scala:916:42: procedure syntax is deprecated: instead, add `: Unit =` to explicitly declare `update`'s return type
[warn] def  update(n: Int, m: Int, cn: Complex) {
[warn]                                          ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/ComplexMatrix.scala:921:51: procedure syntax is deprecated: instead, add `: Unit =` to explicitly declare `update`'s return type
[warn]    def  update(n: Int, m: Int, cn: Array[Double]) {
[warn]                                                   ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/ComplexMatrix.scala:871:34: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getVerbose,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]  if  (scalaSci.PrintFormatParams.getVerbose==true)  {
[warn]                                  ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/D2Das1DMat.scala:91:54: procedure syntax is deprecated: instead, add `: Unit =` to explicitly declare `update`'s return type
[warn] final def update(row: Int, col: Int, value: Double)  {
[warn]                                                      ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/D2Das1DMat.scala:177:44: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]     val ejmlM = new scalaSci.EJML.Mat(this.getv)
[warn]                                            ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/D2Das1DMat.scala:178:23: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method pinv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]     val pejml = ejmlM.pinv
[warn]                       ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/EJML/EJMLBlockMat.scala:950:21: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   var dataArray = m.getv   // get the data array
[warn]                     ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/EJML/EJMLBlockMat.scala:957:6: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method transpose,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]    m.transpose
[warn]      ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/EJML/EJMLBlockMat.scala:961:6: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method det,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]    m.det
[warn]      ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/EJML/EJMLMat.scala:161:19: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method print,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn] final def pEJML = print
[warn]                   ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/EJML/EJMLMat.scala:229:45: Widening conversion from Long to Double is deprecated because it loses precision. Write `.toDouble` instead.
[warn]              om(i, j) = java.lang.Math.round(v(i, j))
[warn]                                             ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/EJML/EJMLMat.scala:396:26: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method numColumns,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]     if (b.numRows() == b.numColumns)  // direct solve
[warn]                          ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/EJML/EJMLMat.scala:677:25: non-variable type argument Any in type scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[warn]      if (vv.isInstanceOf[scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any]]) { // we synthesize our Matrix from Matrices
[warn]                         ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/EJML/EJMLMat.scala:699:30: non-variable type argument Any in type pattern scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[warn]             case v: scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] =>
[warn]                              ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/EJML/EJMLMat.scala:459:12: method without a parameter list overrides a method with a single empty one
[warn]  final def pinv: scalaSci.EJML.Mat = {
[warn]            ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/EJML/StaticMathsEJML.scala:38:46: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method length,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def length(a: scalaSci.EJML.Mat) = a.length
[warn]                                              ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/EJML/StaticMathsEJML.scala:40:44: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method size,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def size(a: scalaSci.EJML.Mat) = a.size
[warn]                                            ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/EJML/StaticMathsEJML.scala:167:4: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method trace,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]  M.trace
[warn]    ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/EJML/StaticMathsEJML.scala:330:6: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method transpose,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]    m.transpose
[warn]      ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/EJML/StaticMathsEJML.scala:339:5: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method invert,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   m.invert
[warn]     ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/EJML/StaticMathsEJML.scala:850:21: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   var dataArray = m.getv   // get the data array
[warn]                     ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/EJML/StaticMathsEJML.scala:857:21: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   var dataArray = m.getv   // get the data array
[warn]                     ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/EJML/StaticMathsEJML.scala:864:6: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method det,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]    m.det
[warn]      ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/ILapack.scala:54:64: procedure syntax is deprecated: instead, add `: Unit =` to explicitly declare `interchange`'s return type
[warn]   def interchange(r1: Int, r2: Int, P: Array[Array[Double]]  ) {
[warn]                                                                ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/JBLAS/JBLASMat.scala:234:26: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method numColumns,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]     if (b.numRows() == b.numColumns)  // direct solve
[warn]                          ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/JBLAS/JBLASMat.scala:236:38: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method numRows,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]       val ipiv = new Array[Int](this.numRows)
[warn]                                      ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/JBLAS/JBLASMat.scala:436:23: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method pinv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]     val pejml = ejmlM.pinv
[warn]                       ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/JBLAS/JBLASMat.scala:516:25: non-variable type argument Any in type scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[warn]      if (vv.isInstanceOf[scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any]]) { // we synthesize our Matrix from Matrices
[warn]                         ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/JBLAS/JBLASMat.scala:538:30: non-variable type argument Any in type pattern scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[warn]             case v: scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] =>
[warn]                              ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/JBLAS/JBLASMat.scala:31:24: method without a parameter list overrides a method with a single empty one
[warn]     override final def size = (Nrows, Ncols) 
[warn]                        ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJBandMat.scala:727:64: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn] final def *( that: scalaSci.Vec): Array[Double] = this *  that.getv
[warn]                                                                ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJBandMat.scala:857:73: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method cond,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def cond() = new scalaSci.RichDouble2DArray(this.toDoubleArray).cond
[warn]                                                                         ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJBandMat.scala:858:71: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method det,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def det()= new scalaSci.RichDouble2DArray(this.toDoubleArray).det
[warn]                                                                       ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJBandMat.scala:859:73: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method inv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def inv() =  new scalaSci.RichDouble2DArray(this.toDoubleArray).inv
[warn]                                                                         ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJBandMat.scala:860:73: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method pinv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def pinv() = new scalaSci.RichDouble2DArray(this.toDoubleArray).pinv
[warn]                                                                         ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJBandMat.scala:861:73: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method rank,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def rank() = new scalaSci.RichDouble2DArray(this.toDoubleArray).rank
[warn]                                                                         ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJBandMat.scala:862:73: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method rref,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def rref() = new scalaSci.RichDouble2DArray(this.toDoubleArray).rref
[warn]                                                                         ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJBandMat.scala:863:74: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method trace,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   final def trace() = new scalaSci.RichDouble2DArray(this.toDoubleArray).trace
[warn]                                                                          ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJMat.scala:207:29: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method numColumns,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]     if (b.numRows() == this.numColumns)  { // direct solve
[warn]                             ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJMat.scala:271:44: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]     val ejmlM = new scalaSci.EJML.Mat(this.getv)
[warn]                                            ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJMat.scala:272:23: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method pinv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]     val pejml = ejmlM.pinv
[warn]                       ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJMat.scala:307:46: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method numRows,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   val LUObj = new no.uib.cipr.matrix.DenseLU(numRows, numColumns)
[warn]                                              ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJMat.scala:307:55: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method numColumns,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   val LUObj = new no.uib.cipr.matrix.DenseLU(numRows, numColumns)
[warn]                                                       ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJMat.scala:318:42: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method numRows,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]    val QRObj = new no.uib.cipr.matrix.QR(numRows, numColumns)
[warn]                                          ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJMat.scala:318:51: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method numColumns,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]    val QRObj = new no.uib.cipr.matrix.QR(numRows, numColumns)
[warn]                                                   ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJMat.scala:330:42: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method numRows,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]    val QLObj = new no.uib.cipr.matrix.QL(numRows, numColumns)
[warn]                                          ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJMat.scala:330:51: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method numColumns,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]    val QLObj = new no.uib.cipr.matrix.QL(numRows, numColumns)
[warn]                                                   ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJMat.scala:343:42: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method numRows,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]    val RQObj = new no.uib.cipr.matrix.RQ(numRows, numColumns)
[warn]                                          ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJMat.scala:343:51: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method numColumns,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]    val RQObj = new no.uib.cipr.matrix.RQ(numRows, numColumns)
[warn]                                                   ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJMat.scala:355:42: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method numRows,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]    val LQObj = new no.uib.cipr.matrix.LQ(numRows, numColumns)
[warn]                                          ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJMat.scala:355:51: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method numColumns,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]    val LQObj = new no.uib.cipr.matrix.LQ(numRows, numColumns)
[warn]                                                   ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJMat.scala:451:25: non-variable type argument Any in type scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[warn]      if (vv.isInstanceOf[scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any]]) { // we synthesize our Matrix from Matrices
[warn]                         ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/MTJMat.scala:473:30: non-variable type argument Any in type pattern scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[warn]             case v: scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] =>
[warn]                              ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/StaticMathsMTJ.scala:50:18: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   var r = cov(v1.getv, v2.getv)
[warn]                  ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/StaticMathsMTJ.scala:50:27: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   var r = cov(v1.getv, v2.getv)
[warn]                           ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/StaticMathsMTJ.scala:68:66: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]      var r = scalaSci.math.array.StatisticSample.correlation(mt1.getv, mt2.getv);
[warn]                                                                  ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MTJ/StaticMathsMTJ.scala:68:76: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]      var r = scalaSci.math.array.StatisticSample.correlation(mt1.getv, mt2.getv);
[warn]                                                                            ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Mat.scala:412:26: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method numColumns,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]     if (b.numRows() == b.numColumns)  // direct solve
[warn]                          ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Mat.scala:457:44: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]     val ejmlM = new scalaSci.EJML.Mat(this.getv)
[warn]                                            ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Mat.scala:458:23: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method pinv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]     val pejml = ejmlM.pinv
[warn]                       ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Mat.scala:538:25: non-variable type argument Any in type scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[warn]      if (vv.isInstanceOf[scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any]]) { // we synthesize our Matrix from Matrices
[warn]                         ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Mat.scala:560:30: non-variable type argument Any in type pattern scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[warn]             case v: scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] =>
[warn]                              ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MatBoolean.scala:165:51: procedure syntax is deprecated: instead, add `: Unit =` to explicitly declare `update`'s return type
[warn] final def  update(n: Int, m: Int, value: Boolean) {
[warn]                                                   ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MatChar.scala:165:48: procedure syntax is deprecated: instead, add `: Unit =` to explicitly declare `update`'s return type
[warn] final def  update(n: Int, m: Int, value: Char) {
[warn]                                                ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MatChar.scala:231:25: non-variable type argument Any in type scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[warn]      if (vv.isInstanceOf[scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any]]) { // we synthesize our Matrix from Matrices
[warn]                         ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/MatChar.scala:253:30: non-variable type argument Any in type pattern scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
[warn]             case v: scalaSci.scalaSciMatrix[Any] =>
[warn]                              ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Matrix.scala:281:24: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method print,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn] override final def p = print   // short "print" method
[warn]                        ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Matrix.scala:285:34: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getVerbose,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   if (scalaSci.PrintFormatParams.getVerbose==true)  {
[warn]                                  ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Matrix.scala:1081:85: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]   new Matrix( ( new RichDouble2DArray(this) RA new RichDouble2DArray(rowsToAppend)).getv)
[warn]                                                                                     ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Matrix.scala:1086:61: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]    new Matrix((new RichDouble2DArray(this)  RA rowToAppend).getv)
[warn]                                                             ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Matrix.scala:1091:61: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]    new Matrix((new RichDouble2DArray(this)  RA rowToAppend).getv)
[warn]                                                             ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Matrix.scala:1095:86: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]     new Matrix( (new RichDouble2DArray(this) RP new RichDouble2DArray(colsToAppend)).getv)
[warn]                                                                                      ^
[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/Matrix.scala:1103:62: Auto-application to `()` is deprecated. Supply the empty argument list `()` explicitly to invoke method getv,
[warn] or remove the empty argument list from its definition (Java-defined methods are exempt).
[warn] In Scala 3, an unapplied method like this will be eta-expanded into a function.
[warn]    new Matrix((new RichDouble2DArray(this)  RP rowToPrepend).getv)
[warn]                                                              ^
[warn] 100 warnings found
[error] ## Exception when compiling 482 sources to /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/target/scala-2.13/classes
[error] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid source release: 13
[error] scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$
[error] scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$
[error] sbt.Defaults$.compileIncrementalTaskImpl(Defaults.scala:2357)
[error] sbt.Defaults$.$anonfun$compileIncrementalTask$2(Defaults.scala:2314)
[error] sbt.internal.server.BspCompileTask$.compute(BspCompileTask.scala:31)
[error] sbt.Defaults$.$anonfun$compileIncrementalTask$1(Defaults.scala:2310)
[error] scala.Function1.$anonfun$compose$1(Function1.scala:49)
[error] sbt.internal.util.$tilde$greater.$anonfun$$u2219$1(TypeFunctions.scala:62)
[error] sbt.std.Transform$$anon$
[error] sbt.Execute.$anonfun$submit$2(Execute.scala:282)
[error] sbt.internal.util.ErrorHandling$.wideConvert(ErrorHandling.scala:23)
[error] sbt.Execute.$anonfun$submit$1(Execute.scala:282)
[error] sbt.ConcurrentRestrictions$$anon$4.$anonfun$submitValid$1(ConcurrentRestrictions.scala:265)
[error] sbt.CompletionService$$anon$
[error] java.util.concurrent.Executors$
[error] java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
[error] java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[error] stack trace is suppressed; run last Compile / compileIncremental for the full output
[error] (Compile / compileIncremental) java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid source release: 13
[error] Total time: 20 s, completed Dec 19, 2021 1:29:49 PM
sterglee commented 2 years ago

The previous version of dottylab failed on Linux due to an improper classpath building.

The current one seems to work correctly,

without the uberJar but with



that build a small .jar file

On 19/12/2021 14:32, Bjorn Regnell wrote:

|[warn] /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/src/main/scala/scalaSci/CommonMaths/Mat.scala:25:13: method |

bjornregnell commented 2 years ago

Aha. Thanx. Will try.

bjornregnell commented 2 years ago

Which Java version are you building with? Still fails with same error using OpenJDK 8.

[error] ## Exception when compiling 482 sources to /home/bjornr/tmp/dottylab/dottylab-master/target/scala-2.13/classes
[error] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid source release: 13


bjornregnell commented 2 years ago

The build reports no errors with sdk install java 17.0.1-oracle. But nothing happens when:

$ java -jar target/scala-2.13/ScalaLab.jar
sterglee commented 2 years ago

ScalaLab needs to access the lib folders therefore it should be run from the project's root folder.

Therefore, you should copy the ScalaLab.jar to the project's root folder, and run the command java -jar ScalaLab.jar or better ./

bjornregnell commented 2 years ago

Aha! Yes now it works with createUberJar and copied to the root and running with ./ I think it would be good to add this info to the and also perhaps publish the jar her on github as a release.