Just tried stern and it was pretty awesome, thank you for your work!
In our case though, sometimes some logs are not being printed as stdout/stderr. Some logs are being generated as just files.
So I thought it would be great if stern can support tailing some files in containers, too!
Note: this comment was imported, but it was originally made by majewsky...
When your service only supports logging to a file, you can try to configure the pseudo-file /dev/stdout aka /dev/fd/1 aka /proc/1/fd/1.
When your service only supports logging to syslog and the file is where you direct your syslog to, you can try https://github.com/sapcc/syslog-stdout instead of a normal syslogd.
Note: this issue was imported from https://github.com/wercker/stern/issues/54, but it was originally created by ryuheechul...
Just tried stern and it was pretty awesome, thank you for your work!
In our case though, sometimes some logs are not being printed as stdout/stderr. Some logs are being generated as just files. So I thought it would be great if stern can support tailing some files in containers, too!