sterodium / selenium-grid-extensions

Set of Selenium Grid extensions for a better UI tests.
Apache License 2.0
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Solving SeleniumSessions.refreshTimeout() method throwing NPE & Adding overloaded download method to download file with specific extension #64

Closed sjethvani closed 6 years ago

sjethvani commented 6 years ago

This PR contains 2 changes (1 improvement and 1 bug fix )

Improvement I have added overloaded download method , which takes an extra param (String extension) . This will allow file to be downloaded in specific extension . So instead of default file extension (which right now is '.tmp' , it gives user flexibility to download file in specific extension)

Bug fix

coveralls commented 6 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage decreased (-2.9%) to 68.927% when pulling 2a6dd27521bf283b83ce48336cc947e1225cd2a8 on sjethvani:master into 5d86c292b24e493a6fdb5b486f026253c5ca2901 on sterodium:master.