Open stetrevor opened 4 years ago
New article:
user click write button -> create local file and set as editing file -> go to edit view
user click cancel button -> if title and text empty -> go back to article list view
not empty -> show confirm dialog -> confirm -> delete local file -> go back to article list view
-> cancel -> keep editing
user click save button -> save current article to cloud -> delete local file -> go back to article list view
Existing article:
user click on article -> set article as editing file -> go to edit view -> user editing -> save user edit locally
-> user click on cancel -> go back to article list view
-> user click on save -> save article to cloud -> user editing
-> user click on save as -> save edited article to cloud as new -> go to new article when saved
-> user click on delete button -> show delete confirm dialog -> confirm -> delete article from cloud -> go back to article list
-> cancel -> user editing
Back button:
new article -> ask save or not -> confirm -> save button flow
-> cancel -> delete local file -> go back to article list view
edit article -> ask save, save as or not -> follow edit buttons flow
In case of where the app is closed during editing:
if in edit view, save current route locally, and current editing file locally
If a currentView is found, go to the view, and load up the local file content.