stevage / map-gl-utils

A utility library that makes Mapbox GL JS or Maplibre GL a bit more convenient to work with.
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Possibility to use outside node? #27

Closed animaux closed 3 years ago

animaux commented 3 years ago

Hi Steve,

I was wondering if it was technically possible to build this as frontend extension, like mentioned here:

There are some instructions, but the last reply implies there may be some integral problems. However I’m not familiar with node … maybe you could elaborate a bit?

Thanks and all the best!

stevage commented 3 years ago

Thanks, yeah I saw that question. I'm definitely happy to support it, I actually just don't know what is required to produce a build in that format.

animaux commented 3 years ago

Fair enough, thanks! Anyone we could reach out to? Help! :)

stevage commented 3 years ago

Ok, I finally figured this out using Rollup. You can use this URL:


animaux commented 3 years ago

Brilliant, thanks a lot!