stevage / map-gl-utils

A utility library that makes Mapbox GL JS or Maplibre GL a bit more convenient to work with.
210 stars 24 forks source link

Next publish? #36

Open mccahan opened 2 years ago

mccahan commented 2 years ago

Hello! It looks like the published version on NPM is about a year old - do you have intentions of pushing an update at some point? You've fixed the bug I'm hitting with hoverPopup in 2450340b30f59b5d4dd46f748e00c531f00dfa14, hoping you're able to publish a more recent version for convenience.

stevage commented 2 years ago

It's now published as map-gl-utils - sorry for the confusion.

mccahan commented 2 years ago

Ahh, thanks for the clarification. FYI, the GitHub About section "Website" field still has the old package URL, which is what I kept clicking:

Screenshot 2022-04-18 at 07 05 02

I'm not sure how easy it is to update the on the old npmjs package, but if you'd be able to update that with a big warning telling people to use the new named package, that might be helpful. I'm not sure whether it's overkill to deprecate the old package (maybe just the latest version so it still appears in search), but with so many links out there to the old version it might be nice to get a warning somewhere on that npmjs page.

stevage commented 2 years ago

Thanks, updated that. Will ponder the other bit. I might just keep publishing it under both names.