stevage / map-gl-utils

A utility library that makes Mapbox GL JS or Maplibre GL a bit more convenient to work with.
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make layer type optional in props? #43

Open peterqliu opened 9 months ago

peterqliu commented 9 months ago
map.U.addCircleLayer('trees-circle', 'trees', {
    circleColor: 'green', // paint property
    circleRadius: ['interpolate', ['zoom'], 12, 3, 15, 5], // paint property
    circleSortKey: ['get', 'tree-sort-key'], // layout property
    filter: ['!=', 'type', 'stump'], // other property

Proposal to make the layer prefix optional in all props. The props above would read color, radius, and sortKey.

Only when disambiguating multiple props of the same kind (stroke- and circle-color in circle layers, icon-, text-, and halo-color in symbol layers, etc) will prefixes be needed. In those cases, the nonprefixed form will refer to the word in the layer type ("color" will refer to circle-color and "width" to line-width)

stevage commented 9 months ago

Yeah, interesting idea. I think personally I probably wouldn't use it much, due to the ambiguities. And also that semantic differences start to get conflated - line-offset has a bit of a different meaning from icon-offset.

But I'd be happy to accept a PR.

Not sure what should happen with ambiguous properties like offset in a symbol layer. Probably it shouldn't translate to anything.