stevdza-san / KotlinBootstrap

Use the official Bootstrap UI components with Kotlin and Compose HTML, to build a frontend on the web.
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BSButton and BSInput malfunction #8

Closed eugenewainaina closed 6 months ago

eugenewainaina commented 6 months ago

I'm using v 0.08 and some of my BS components aren't working as they should Like the BSInput, the floating attribute doesn't work and in the BSButton, the customizations attribute also doesn't work. Please help

BSInput( type = InputType.Email, value = email, label = "Email Address", placeholder = "Type Here", floating = true, disabled = false, validation = InputValidation( isValid = isValid, validFeedback = "Correct Email" ), onValueChange = { email = it isValid = true }, )

floating attribute doesn't work image

for the BSButton, the customizations attribute is ignored

eugenewainaina commented 6 months ago

Nevermind. Had outdated [versions] in libs.versions.toml file.


From: jetbrains-compose = "1.5.1" kobweb = "0.14.2" kotlin = "1.9.10" kotlinx = "1.6.0"

To: jetbrains-compose = "1.5.11" kobweb = "0.15.2" kotlin = "1.9.21" kotlinx = "1.6.0"