stevdza-san / OneTapCompose

This library allow you to easily integrate One-Tap Sign in with Google(Credential Manager) in your project with Jetpack Compose. It keeps away all the boilerplate code.
Apache License 2.0
171 stars 15 forks source link

Could not find com.github.stevdza-san:OneTapCompose:1.0.9. #15

Closed kalebtekle closed 5 months ago

kalebtekle commented 5 months ago

I encountered this error while trying to use OneTapCompose...

Configuration cache state could not be cached: field __librarySourceSets__ of task :app:mapDevDebugSourceSetPaths of type error writing value of type 'org.gradle.api.internal.file.collections.DefaultConfigurableFileCollection'

Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:devDebugRuntimeClasspath'. Could not find com.github.stevdza-san:OneTapCompose:1.0.9.

kalebtekle commented 5 months ago

Resolved. The Error was on my part. I put maven(url = "") in PluginManagement instead of DependencyResolutionManagement on settings.gradle. You can close this!