stevdza-san / OneTapCompose

This library allow you to easily integrate One-Tap Sign in with Google(Credential Manager) in your project with Jetpack Compose. It keeps away all the boilerplate code.
Apache License 2.0
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Developer console is not set up correctly. #20

Closed 3owa closed 5 months ago

3owa commented 5 months ago

Hi there can anyone help me solve this issue

shubhamsinghshubham777 commented 5 months ago

Hi there can anyone help me solve this issue

Could you please provide some more details about the issue? What is the error code you receive?

From the limited info we have here, maybe some of these answers will help you:

muhammedesadcomert commented 5 months ago

It is happening in v1.0.11. I downgraded the version to 1.0.9 and the error is gone. The error looks like this:

stevdza-san commented 5 months ago

@muhammedesadcomert That error message indicates that you haven't correctly setup your project, probably it has something to do with the Google Cloud Platform project, SHA-1, Web client id? The latest v1.0.11 contains a Credential Manager underneath, but if you have some errors, feel free to use the 1.0.10.

muhammedesadcomert commented 5 months ago

@stevdza-san Thank you for your response. I realized forgot to add the release sha-1 key to the Firebase setup after your comment. After adding this it worked for me. For anyone else facing this issue, it might take some time to process your key after adding it. The issue can closed, thanks for your help!

muhammedesadcomert commented 5 months ago

Although this issue has been closed, I would like to add an explanation for those who may encounter a similar problem later. After adding both debug and release sha-1 keys to Firebase, it may seem to work properly. Still, if you publish the application on the Play Store, you must get the sha-1 key from the Play Console and add it to Firebase, as shown in the README document. While testing your application, everything may seem fine, but if you do not have this key, signing in will not work.