steve-bate / ChibiOS-RPi

ChibiOS fork for Raspberry PI experimentation. See wiki for Pi-specific information.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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USB host and B+ support #4

Open OmarMorando opened 9 years ago

OmarMorando commented 9 years ago

Hello, I compiled demos for RPi (blinking led) and it works perfectly on RPi-B but it doesn't work on B+. Probably I have to change GPIO port ONBOARD_LED_PORT, is it correct?

ChibiOS-RPi is an interesting project, are working/planned to add also USB host support? It would be very useful to manage a USB bluetooth dongle.

Thanks for your great job!

nmaas87 commented 9 years ago

Yeah, that is correct. ONBOARD_LED_PORT does link to GPIO16, which was used on all RPis (A/B) for the ACT LED. As GPIO16 is used on the RPi Modell B+ as regular GPIO Port ( ), you could connect an LED there and run the blink script.

If not, the new GPIO Port is GPIO47 on the Modell B+ and A+ Modells (see here: ): "It is GPIO 47, and the action has been reversed. On the B you set the GPIO to 0 to turn on the LED and 1 to turn it off. On the B+ you set it to 1 to turn on and 0 to turn off.

You can also control the PWR LED on GPIO 35."

Other than that I can't answer the USB host support question, as I am not the owner or developer of this repo :)

nmaas87 commented 9 years ago

That means you could use


to use the onboard LED - and reverse your LED "switch".

Turning it on should turn off the led, and turning it off should turn on the led now.

At least, that should work :)

OmarMorando commented 9 years ago

Thanks a lot for your help! I hope that USB host will be a new feature soon.