steve-bate / ChibiOS-RPi

ChibiOS fork for Raspberry PI experimentation. See wiki for Pi-specific information.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fast Blinking after running method #5

Open rofs opened 9 years ago

rofs commented 9 years ago

I run chibiOS/RT with the Firmware from 6.1.2013. I changed the blinking Port to GPIO7.

The LED change State every second. I implement two functions to the shell (hanoi and ackermann).

When i run ackermann, the pi hangs and nothing work. i will try to change to unsigned int.

When I run hanoi, then everything works fine. ->But the LED is blinking very fast (polling). This is wrong because it has to change every second the State.

Where is the mistake ? Or is this not true RTOS?

static void cmd_hanoi(BaseSequentialStream chp, int argc, char argv[]) { chprintf(chp, "start\r\n"); hanoi(chp, 20,'A','C','B'); chprintf(chp, "end\r\n");

} void hanoi(BaseSequentialStream *chp, int n, char a, char b, char c){ if(n > 0){ hanoi(chp, n-1, a, c, b); chprintf(chp,"Uebertragung von %c auf %c\r\n", a, b); hanoi(chp, n-1, c, b, a); } }

static void cmd_ackermann(BaseSequentialStream chp, int argc, char argv[]) {

chprintf(chp, "start\r\n");
chprintf(chp, "end\r\n");

} int ackermann(int n, int m){ if (n == 0) return m+1; else if (m == 0) return ackermann(n - 1, 1); else return ackermann(n - 1, ackermann(n, m - 1)); }

static const ShellCommand commands[] = {


{"mem", cmd_mem}, {"threads", cmd_threads}, {"test", cmd_test}


{"ackermann", cmd_ackermann}, {"hanoi", cmd_hanoi}, {"reboot", cmd_reboot}, {NULL, NULL} };