A C++ library for Bayesian modeling, mainly through Markov chain Monte Carlo, but with a few other methods supported. BOOM = "Bayesian Object Oriented Modeling". It is also the sound your computer makes when it crashes.
Function BOOM::RVectorFunction::evaluate(BOOM::Vector const&)
[UP] calling allocating function R_ParseVector(V,?,?,?) with argument allocated using BOOM::ToRString(std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&) Boom/src/boom_r_tools.cpp:625
[UP] calling allocating function Rf_asReal with argument allocated using Rf_eval Boom/src/boom_r_tools.cpp:627
^^^ real errors
Function BOOM::VectorListElement::prepare_to_write(int)
[UP] calling allocating function BOOM::SetColnames(SEXPREC*, std::1::vector<std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >, std::1::allocator<std::__1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator > > > const&) with argument allocated using Rf_allocMatrix Boom/src/list_io.cpp:254
^^^ real error
Function BOOM::appendListElement(SEXPREC, SEXPREC, std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std::1::allocator > const&)
[UP] unprotected variable old_list_names while calling allocating function Rf_allocVector Boom/src/boom_r_tools.cpp:133
^^^ better fix (won't crash current version of R but this can change any time)
(1) Function BOOM::RVectorFunction::evaluate(BOOM::Vector const&) [UP] calling allocating function R_ParseVector(V,?,?,?) with argument allocated using BOOM::ToRString(std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std:: 1::allocator > const&) Boom/src/boom_r_tools.cpp:625
[UP] calling allocating function Rf_asReal with argument allocated using Rf_eval Boom/src/boom_r_tools.cpp:627
^^^ real errors
(2) Function BOOM::VectorListElement::prepare_to_write(int) [UP] calling allocating function BOOM::SetColnames(SEXPREC*, std::1::vector<std::1::basic_string<char, std::1::char_traits, std::1::allocator >, std:: 1::allocator<std::__1::basic_string<char, std:: 1::char_traits, std::__1::allocator > > > const&) with argument allocated using Rf_allocMatrix Boom/src/list_io.cpp:254
^^^ real error
(3) Function BOOM::appendListElement(SEXPREC, SEXPREC, std::1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits, std:: 1::allocator > const&)
[UP] unprotected variable old_list_names while calling allocating function Rf_allocVector Boom/src/boom_r_tools.cpp:133
^^^ better fix (won't crash current version of R but this can change any time)