steve-the-bayesian / BOOM

A C++ library for Bayesian modeling, mainly through Markov chain Monte Carlo, but with a few other methods supported. BOOM = "Bayesian Object Oriented Modeling". It is also the sound your computer makes when it crashes.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Semilocal Linear Trend Possible Issue #52

Closed alexiosg closed 4 years ago

alexiosg commented 4 years ago

Hi Steve,

I'm trying to understand how the semilocal linear trend is implemented. Based on the documentation, It seems that delta[t+1] = phi x delta[t] + D x (1 - phi)

So I have tried to replicate the states in the example below:

` data("AirPassengers") library(bsts) library(dlm)

spec <- AddSemilocalLinearTrend(list(), y = as.numeric(AirPassengers)) spec <- AddSeasonal(spec, y = as.numeric(AirPassengers), nseasons = 12) opt <- BstsOptions() opt$save.full.state <- TRUE

mod <- bsts(as.numeric(AirPassengers), spec, niter = 2000, model.options = opt)

Now to create the state matrices phi <- mean(mod$ D <- mean(mod$trend.slope.mean) Z <- matrix(c(1,0,0,1,rep(0,10)), nrow = 1) G <- matrix(0, ncol = 14, nrow = 14) G[1,1:2] <- 1 G[2,2:3] <- c(phi, 1 - phi) G[3, 3] <- 1 G[4,4:14] <- -1 diag(G[5:14, 4:13]) <- 1

W <- diag(0, 14, 14) W[1,1] <- mean(mod$^2) W[2,2] <- mean(mod$^2) W[4,4] <- mean(mod$sigma.seasonal.12^2)

V <- matrix(mean(mod$sigma.obs^2),1,1)

set initial state to mean of initial state in object m0 <- colMeans(mod$full.state[,,1]) C0 <- diag(1e12, 14,14) C0[3,3] <- 0 use dlm to filter the data and states dmod <- dlm(list(FF = Z, GG = G, V = V, W = W, m0 = m0, C0 = C0)) f <- dlmFilter(as.numeric(AirPassengers), dmod) compare DLM 1-step ahead state estimates, with bsts full state and simple approach for first prediction cbind(coredata(f$a)[1,],colMeans(mod$full.state[,,2]),matrix(G %*% colMeans(mod$full.state[,,1]), ncol = 1)) ` [1,] 144.85 144.96 144.85 [2,] -1.03 -6.47 -1.03 [3,] 1.75 1.75 1.75 [4,] -27.18 -27.24 -27.18 [5,] -39.33 -39.33 -39.33 [6,] -34.42 -34.42 -34.42 [7,] -43.73 -43.73 -43.73 [8,] -13.83 -13.83 -13.83 [9,] 23.92 23.92 23.92 [10,] 50.87 50.87 50.87 [11,] 55.34 55.34 55.34 [12,] 33.11 33.11 33.11 [13,] 3.64 3.64 3.64 [14,] -1.90 -1.90 -1.90

So my question relates to the slope (row 2) (and row 2 of the G matrix) I doing something wrong in the way I am representing the slope component equation?



alexiosg commented 4 years ago

So, after a little more digging it seems that the "full.state" are the smoothed not the filtered states, so this would explain the disparity. Closing this as it seems resolved.