steve1316 / granblue-automation-pyautogui

Educational application aimed at automating user-defined workflows for the mobile game, "Granblue Fantasy", using a variety of CV technologies in the backend such as OpenCV, PyAutoGUI and EasyOCR and a frontend coded in Typescript.
119 stars 36 forks source link

Can't solve Calibration issue on bot Start #164

Closed rotd0g closed 1 year ago

rotd0g commented 1 year ago

After successful install, Settings and Ready status i am receiving an error:

File "D:\GBF\backend\bot\", line 921, in start_farming_mode Game._calibrate_game_window(display_info_check = True) File "D:\GBF\backend\bot\", line 59, in _calibrate_game_window raise RuntimeError("Calibration of window dimensions failed. Is the Home button on the bottom bar visible?") RuntimeError: Calibration of window dimensions failed. Is the Home button on the bottom bar visible?

My screen resolution is 2560x1440 Medium window size in game selected i am in Home screen with Home button visible at the bottom right corner i had 125% text in windows screen and reset it to 100% Browser scaled to 100% as well Tried with both Chrome and Edge

Hope you can help, thanks in advance!

steve1316 commented 1 year ago

Hmm, can you provide a fullscreen screenshot of what the game window looks like? You can either attach it here or through discord.

rotd0g commented 1 year ago

@steve1316 posting here: source

also tried without open Downloads bar

steve1316 commented 1 year ago

Can you turn on Debug Mode in the Settings page and post the full logs here?

rotd0g commented 1 year ago

Hi Steve, Logs attached: log 2023-02-18 10-42-19.txt

We investigated yesterday with a fellow gbf player and found out the following: Chrome colors, gamma and size sems to be affected by some other application(possibly NVidia but we found no evidence in it's Control Panel/Settings) even with default graphics and size setup chrome seems to be scaled to 110% and darker than it should be by default. Key to this comparison was Portable Custom Chromium browser which is not affected by 'this' I checked my Chrome Extensions, Chrome UI Settings and there's nothing. I'll try to investigate what else could be causing this issue.

Vanishborn commented 1 year ago

Hi! Sorry to jump into the discussion like this, but I've encountered the same issue. Attached are the logs with debug on. I tried on both Edge and Chrome. My screen resolution is 3840x2160 with scale of 150x. The bot only works when I turn off scale (back to 100%) which makes everything TINY. 2 log files are before and after with respect to time created.

Hope this helps. And although changing my screen scale every time I run the game is not that big of an issue for me, I do wish the program would work without all this hassle. Anyway, thanks for this amazing tool.

log 2023-04-8 08-23-03.txt log 2023-04-8 08-26-14.txt

steve1316 commented 1 year ago

v3.0.0 is out with an additional Farming Mode, GenericV2. @Vanishborn, I think this new mode may or may not help you.

steve1316 commented 1 year ago

Closing this issue for now due to inactivity. Feel free to reopen if you encounter this again.