steve1316 / granblue-automation-pyautogui

Educational application aimed at automating user-defined workflows for the mobile game, "Granblue Fantasy", using a variety of CV technologies in the backend such as OpenCV, PyAutoGUI and EasyOCR and a frontend coded in Typescript.
119 stars 36 forks source link

Suggestions about improving general behavior overall #209

Open steve1316 opened 9 months ago

steve1316 commented 9 months ago



1. Join x10 runs of Ewiyar using Party 1, Group 1 and [Agni] as support.
2. Join x5 runs of Atum using Party 5, Group 2 and [Varuna, Gabriel] as support.
3. Run x100 runs of VH Shin Slime Search! using Party 1, Group 5 and [Kaguya] as support.
ChikyuTenshi commented 3 months ago

Hey Steve, was wondering if there's been any progress on the Schedule system? as a new player when I try to Uncap a Character it gets really confusing with all the resources and where to find them.

Maybe even flesh it out and make it that I can select my Character's element and x -> x and it will farm the respective Trials, Anima and Merits required.

Right now it's pretty alright if I need a specific resource but when I want to Uncap 20+ Characters and have to farm each resource and keep switching for different elements Orbs, Anima etc it gets tedious for a new player like me at least. 😭

Really enjoy using your tool by the way! 😄

steve1316 commented 3 months ago

Unfortunately, no progress as I have been busy with work. I don't really know when I will have free time in the future.