steve228uk / YouTube-Music

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(FEAT) Allow turning off push notifications in app preferences #179

Open sprejjs opened 1 year ago

sprejjs commented 1 year ago

Problem statement

Personally, I find push notifications for each new song to be a bit distracting, but I understand that others may like to have them.

Proposed solution

I've added a general preference pane that includes a setting to toggle the push notifications on and off. It's enabled by default to preserve the previous behaviour for existing users.

Evidence of testing

Ensured that the push notifications are still being displayed when the setting is turned on. Screenshot 2022-11-27 at 11 31 46

Checked that the notifications aren't being displayed when the preference is turned off (no screenshot).

Ensured that the new pane displays remembers the last setting: Screenshot 2022-11-27 at 11 07 01

Regression tested the push notifications pane to ensure that it is displayed correctly: Screenshot 2022-11-27 at 11 20 06

Additional changes

While working through the preference changes, I've noticed a few things that could be improved, so I've included them here. Let me know if you'd rather not have them or have them in a separate PR: