Open Passecoul opened 7 years ago
I have the same question. I like to connect two sensors. Does that mean that I have just to create 2 instances with different csPIN?
Of course I would need 2 max31865 boards.
# GIPO 8
max1 = max31865.max31865(8,9,10,11)
# GIPO 19
max2 = max31865.max31865(19,9,10,11)
Please see the following, I think it might help.
Hi Steve,
Thanks a lot for your work on this subject ;)
First you say we can connect to any grio with your codes. Does the Python code doesn t need to activ spi mode on the raspberry setup? Or we have active spi ? Cause if we try to connect more than one max31865 ie for instance 4 boards do we have to active other gpio than ce0 and ce1? I m don t Know how to change the code to have 4 boards wirking at the sale Time (i Know how to connect), i have a little idea but i m not sure it ll work (i ve no knowedge programming Python codes)
I you Could Help i ll be really great. Thanks again Steve