steve71 / RasPiBrew

Raspberry Pi Temperature Controller for homebrewing and sous vide cooking
MIT License
188 stars 75 forks source link

getbrewtime() and logdata() functions added #12

Closed vhschalk closed 9 years ago

vhschalk commented 9 years ago

Hi, fantastic platform! I will be updating the system shortly with more function to incorporate a fully automated brewery.

steve71 commented 9 years ago

Merged.  Thank you!Steve

 On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 6:21 PM, Schalk van Heerden <> wrote:

Hi, fantastic platform! I will be updating the system shortly with more function to incorporate a fully automated brewery. You can merge this Pull Request by running git pull masterOr view, comment on, or merge it at: Commit Summary

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