steve71 / RasPiBrew

Raspberry Pi Temperature Controller for homebrewing and sous vide cooking
MIT License
188 stars 75 forks source link

"Theme" system. #5

Closed eiriksm closed 10 years ago

eiriksm commented 10 years ago

Edit: Sorry. got posted before I got to write this.

Hey! Great project. Doing some hacking on this these days and would love to contribute what I can, if you want to.

What I wondered was if we could make the templates a little modular? Because I would like to make some adjustments, but also contribute back. So a "theme" seems most natural to me, so I don't have to "hack" you already working template.


steve71 commented 10 years ago

That sounds great! You are definitely welcome to contribute to this project. The python web server has to be generic enough to work with all cases and that configuration can be done in the xml file I think. The template directory can have different themes depending on the configuration needed (HLT, MLT, BK, pumps, etc).

eiriksm commented 10 years ago

Cool. I implemented this in an extremely basic way. Pull request coming up :)

eiriksm commented 10 years ago

Cool! Thanks!

How do you figure themes should exist? Like you can download a theme from a website, or should the project ship with more themes?

Because I can of course also contribute the theme I will be creating, if that is interesting.

steve71 commented 10 years ago

I think for now the project should ship with more themes but ideally I would like the ability to download the theme on the website. However, that is more work and I would put that off to later. I originally used the word 'templates' but 'themes' could work as well. You could rename the 'template' directory to themes and keep the same name as 'raspibrew' as the original theme. Let me know what you think. You can also reply to to contact me outside of github as well. I can also implement a forum on quickly since I have it set up. It is not 'live' yet.