steve8x8 / geotoad

Geocaching query tool written in Ruby
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Windows Installer outdated #327

Closed steve8x8 closed 3 months ago

steve8x8 commented 8 years ago

... because of its inflexibility (outdated, unfixed, 32bit vs. 64bit etc) Better have everyone install the preferred (and matching the OS flavour) Ruby from, and use that to run the geotoad.rb script.

steve8x8 commented 8 years ago

Anyone willing to setup a minimalistic Windows Vista or 7 VM?

steve8x8 commented 8 years ago

3.24.2 has been released with a Windows installer containing a Ruby 2.0 infrastructure - something I'd like to get rid of sooner or later, because of lacking TLSv1_2 support - and 3.25.0 will be too, if I cannot find a way to set up a very small Win7 VM. Any suggestions?

steve8x8 commented 8 years ago

I can't get myself at installing a newer Win version at the moment, therefore the Installer is still built in a XP VM, using Ruby 2.0. I don't recommend to use it (in particular because of the CA root-certificate hassle), and will no longer support it. Any takers?

steve8x8 commented 7 years ago

See issue #301 - I'm not closing here because I still hope to find a Win7 VM.

vitorgalvao commented 7 years ago

Why not get a VM directly from Microsoft?

steve8x8 commented 7 years ago

"Please note that these virtual machines expire after 90 days." - that coincides with GeoToad's release cycle. That means, reinstall every time. Sounds like big fun [tm].

I'm surprised though that "IE11 on Win7" zipped is "only" 4 GB in size. Would it run on Linux VMware? (there's no such selection - only Windows, Mac) Would I be able to add Ruby, and Pik, and Ocra to it (free disk space)?

I'm running low on local disk at the moment, but will reconsider after the next release. Thanks for the pointer - anyone else to jump in and try? (There are no instructions, but one has to install Ruby and the Pik and Ocra gems, configure Pik for the available Ruby version[s], and modify the build script to match the version to be used. Not exactly rocket science ;))

vitorgalvao commented 7 years ago

"Please note that these virtual machines expire after 90 days." - that coincides with GeoToad's release cycle. That means, reinstall every time. Sounds like big fun [tm].

From what I read on another website, if you make a snapshot now and then revert it later, you’ll have 90 days more. That system is likely in place just so you don’t use the image to day-to-day tasks instead of just testing.

Regarding your other questions, I don’t know because I never used these.

steve8x8 commented 7 years ago

Quick summary after one year:

vitorgalvao commented 7 years ago

but it sounds like a possible waste of time if one forgets to snapshot regularly

No need to snapshot regularly. Just once on first install, and then always revert to that same one.

(and even then, 3 months will be over quickly)

Yes, that won’t be solved with that solution.

steve8x8 commented 7 years ago

For release 3.27.0, I have created a Windows installer using my obsolete XP VM, and Ruby 2.0 running in it. It may fail right from the beginning - use the RubyInstaller (for Windows Vista/7 or later) and the tarball in this case. Apologies, but from my side this is a dead end.

steve8x8 commented 3 months ago

After so many years, it's time to close this issue as "wontfix". Sorry lads.