steve8x8 / geotoad

Geocaching query tool written in Ruby
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GUID search: "Could not find WID for GUID ..." when cache is PMO #332

Closed steve8x8 closed 8 years ago

steve8x8 commented 8 years ago

Backwards resolution of GUIDs to WIDs should always work, independent of the cache status as PMOnly. Running lynx -dump -head redirects to, and the cache_details page does contain the WID. Apparently this is related to a recent redesign of the "PMO, we won't show you any details" page, between Jan 10 and 17, perhaps Tucson.Main.release-20160113.Release_622 which was rolled out on Jan 14 (UTC).

(Comment from the coder's viewpoint: "printable pages" have never changed as much as cache detail pages did in the past years, and keeping the parsing patterns updated for the latter is a nightmare.)

steve8x8 commented 8 years ago

Commit 4300352 should fix this issue. Please test.

steve8x8 commented 8 years ago

Commit cb147a0 addresses a leftover issue of cache-type parsing.

steve8x8 commented 8 years ago

Issue #334 should be merged here.