steve8x8 / geotoad

Geocaching query tool written in Ruby
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GeoToad 3.25.4 doesn't detect login failures #339

Closed steve8x8 closed 7 years ago

steve8x8 commented 7 years ago

... but there's a sign: Since the user preferences cannot be read, the chosen date format will be reported as "dd MMM yy", and the language string will be empty. (Try username "ChuckNorris".) This part quickly scrolls by, because a search would also work without being logged in - it's the dictionary mapping step that fails (for both methods). Who would suspect a problem in one of the early stages?

Thanks to someone called Mike (please send a postcard from Palo Alto, and another one from Duisburg!) - I'll add an "emergency exit" if an empty language string is detected, which should fix the issue for now, and give me some time to analyze the logs.

steve8x8 commented 7 years ago

Patched in git - note that GeoToad will not exit when it detects a failed login. It will issue a warning, and give you 60 seconds to interrupt. If there are false positives (i.e. failed logins that shouldn't have failed) I'd like to know!

steve8x8 commented 7 years ago

GeoToad 3.25.5, released earlier today, will complain about a failed login, sleep for 60 seconds, and proceed. There will be dragons^Wsubsequent problems caused by lack of valid cookies, you've been warned. For 3.26.0 I will review the code again. I intend to replace the 1-minute sleep with a forceful error exit. Any suggestions which message to write before? (This situation seems to happen not only with a completely wrong password, but also with a new, yet unconfirmed account.)

steve8x8 commented 7 years ago

Commit ed1ad6f replaces the sleep with a forced exit.

steve8x8 commented 7 years ago
