steve8x8 / geotoad

Geocaching query tool written in Ruby
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Wishlist: Parse bookmark lists #344

Open steve8x8 opened 7 years ago

steve8x8 commented 7 years ago

Subject says it all. Being able to parse bookmark lists (including "disabled" and "archived" flags) would be great - GC's KML files lack some important information. URL to use: /bookmarks/view.aspx?guid=...

steve8x8 commented 7 years ago

Still to be fixed: If there's no creation date available, the current date is inserted. Use 2000-01-01 instead, like in other places.

steve8x8 commented 7 years ago

There's another quirk (not limited to this particular use case): If a cache description is accessed via its GUID, the corresponding WID-GUID mapping is not added to the mapping.yaml file.