steve8x8 / geotoad

Geocaching query tool written in Ruby
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GPX output: missed incompatibilities? #349

Closed steve8x8 closed 5 years ago

steve8x8 commented 7 years ago

For quite some time, Pocket Queries contain the cache size in Capitalized form (e.g. "Micro", "Not chosen", etc.). GSAK agrees with that, c:geo too, but GeoToad has somehow missed this. GPX files still seem to work though?

IByte commented 7 years ago

That's excellent. I had my own post-processing script fix that until now (to keep my GSAK list consistent).

steve8x8 commented 7 years ago

Had c:geo ever complained about this, this glitch would have entered history years ago.

Now I'm curious what the new "Send to Garmin" (PM-only, thus out of my reach) feature would yield; I hope they were more careful than with their Geotours ( Anyone willing to send me a sample, with additional waypoints if possible?

steve8x8 commented 7 years ago

Changed the issue title (and removed the "fixed" tag") to collect more ignored stuff, if there's any.

IByte commented 7 years ago

So if I understand it correctly, you are looking for differences between GPX files generated by and GeoToad?

The first one I can think of is the numerical ID of the cache owner. GSAK uses this to link to the owner's profile page.

steve8x8 commented 7 years ago

@IByte: User information isn't available from the cdpf.aspx pages. This has been a limitation of GeoToad since its earliest days, and changing it would require fetching multiple pages per cache. To restrict ourselves to cdpf had the side-effect of being more robust wrt site design changes. A "GeoToad Next Generation" might overcome this by using a proper XML parser to extract information. Volunteers?

IByte commented 7 years ago

I'm afraid I don't know enough Ruby to volunteer for that, I'm more of a PHP developer (and I've worked with a few other things).