steve8x8 / geotoad

Geocaching query tool written in Ruby
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Add real-life use cases to documentation and tools/ #371

Open steve8x8 opened 5 months ago

steve8x8 commented 5 months ago

While the TUI allows to get used to GeoToad's most important features, it's incomplete when it comes to special use. I've been using the command-line approach for years, and wrapped a number of scripts around the main geotoad invocation - also to provide a maximum of information both to my geocaching partners during trip planning, and to my various devices. I don't upload solutions to GC's servers but keep them in a text file on my disk, so merging that is another detail to share.

Some examples might show how

Since GeoToad is written in Ruby, and I'm a scripter, most things have been done in Ruby and Bash, and many of them haven't been optimized or beautified (I prefer to be outside as much as possible, at the cost of extra coding sessions).

What do you think? What are you missing badly, but not badly enough yet to have asked for it? Is there something you'd like to share yourself? Step forward ;)

steve8x8 commented 5 months ago

See #282 too :)

FriedrichFroebel commented 5 months ago

I have heard of some basic members relying on the TUI to get a myfinds.gpx file for syncing their GC founds with Opencaching, especially, using the cmanager tool (further OC nodes are not supported at the moment, but could be added in the future). There is some basic German documentation on how to do this with the TUI (could probably be simplified/automated with the CLI):

Disclaimer: I am the current maintainer for the continuation of the synchronization features of cmanager after the original developer decided to end support for it.