stevearc / aerial.nvim

Neovim plugin for a code outline window
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Ruby public methods missing after a class method call without arguments #382

Open dzirtusss opened 1 week ago

dzirtusss commented 1 week ago

Language: ruby AerialInfo:

Aerial Info
Filetype: ruby
Configured backends:
  treesitter (supported) (attached)
  lsp (supported)
  markdown (not supported) [Filetype is not markdown]
  asciidoc (not supported) [Filetype is not asciidoc]
  man (not supported) [Filetype is not man]
Show symbols: Class, Constructor, Enum, Function, Interface, Module, Method, Struct

The minimal amount of code that demonstrates the missing symbol:

class Test
  something # calling w/o args

  def self.myclass; end # this is visible
  def mypublic1; end # this is not visible
  def mypublic2; end # this is not visible
  def myprivate; end # this is visible

class Test
  something 1 # calling with args

  ... # all works ok

Expected symbol: Function

dzirtusss commented 1 week ago

P.S. This is query version fixed by ChatGPT 🙄 , sorry I'm not huge pro of TS syntax. It fixes the bug, and methods are shown now. New sections that added are (body_statement....

Guess, please review if that makes sense.

  name: [
  ] @name
  (#set! "kind" "Class")) @symbol

  ((identifier) @scope
    (#any-of? @scope "private" "protected" "public"))?
      name: (_) @name
      (#set! "kind" "Method")) @symbol))

    ((identifier) @scope
      (#any-of? @scope "private" "protected" "public"))
    name: (_) @name
    (#set! "kind" "Method")) @symbol)

  object: [
  ] @receiver
  ] @separator)?
  name: [
  ] @name
  (#set! "kind" "Method")) @symbol

  value: (_) @name
  (#set! "kind" "Class")) @symbol

  name: [
  ] @name
  (#set! "kind" "Module")) @symbol

; For Rspec, Rake, and Shoulda
  method: (identifier) @method @name
  (#any-of? @method
    "describe" "it" "before" "after" ; Rspec
     "namespace" "task" "multitask" "file" ; Rake
     "setup" "teardown" "should" "should_not" "should_eventually" "context")
  ; Shoulda
  arguments: (argument_list
        (string_content) @name)
      (simple_symbol) @name
        key: [
            (string_content) @name)
          (hash_key_symbol) @name
      (call) @name
  (#set! "kind" "Method")) @symbol @selection

; these are new sections that fix the issue
  ] @method_def)

    ((identifier) @scope
      (#any-of? @scope "private" "protected" "public"))
      name: (_) @name
      (#set! "kind" "Method")) @symbol
  ] @public_scope)

    object: [
    ] @receiver
    ] @separator)?
    name: [
    ] @name
    (#set! "kind" "Method")) @symbol
  (#set! "scope" "public"))

In this updated query:

• I added an additional rule to handle singleton methods and methods within body_statement to ensure proper scoping. • The rule for handling public methods within the body_statement is adjusted to correctly identify methods following singleton methods. • The #set! "scope" "public" ensures that the public methods are correctly picked up after singleton methods.

Test this query with your Treesitter setup to ensure it resolves the issue with singleton methods affecting the scope of subsequent public methods.

dzirtusss commented 1 week ago

PS2 it is possible to just save this new file to .config/nvim/queries/ruby/aerial.scm and TS picks it over the file provided with plugin. Works as a temporary solution, w/o need for a local repo clone.