Closed MichalRsa closed 8 months ago
require("conform").format { async = true, lsp_fallback = true }
That is how I call the format function and solve my issue.
It is possible to fix this issue by increasing the timeout_ms
key. Here is an example code snippet I use to deal with the issue:
return {
event = { "LspAttach", "BufReadPost", "BufNewFile" },
opts = {
formatters_by_ft = {
python = { "ruff_format" },
vue = { "prettier" },
format_on_save = {
timeout_ms = 2500,
lsp_fallback = true,
config = function(_, opts)
local conform = require("conform")
-- Setup "conform.nvim" to work
-- Customise the default "prettier" command to format Markdown files as well
conform.formatters.prettier = {
prepend_args = { "--prose-wrap", "always" },
Neovim version (nvim -v)
Operating system/version
Ubuntu 22.04.3
Add the debug logs
log_level = vim.log.levels.DEBUG
and pasted the log contents below.Log file
Log file: /home/michal/.local/state/nvim/conform.log 07:21:27[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:21:30[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:21:32[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:21:35[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:21:37[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:21:39[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:22:44[WARN] Delayed Neovim exit by 1014ms to wait for formatting to complete 07:22:51[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:22:54[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:23:17[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:23:24[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:23:26[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:23:27[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:23:32[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:23:35[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:23:53[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:23:56[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:30:56[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:32:02[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:32:04[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:32:05[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout 07:32:06[WARN] Formatter 'prettier' timeout
Formatters for this buffer: LSP: astro prettier ready (astro, javascriptreact, typescriptreact, html, css, javascript, typescript) /home/michal/personal/astro-blog/node_modules/.bin/prettier
Other formatters: shfmt unavailable: Command not found stylua ready (lua) /home/michal/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/stylua
Describe the bug
I am getting a prettier timeout when using (too many?) plugins. When I format a .tsx file timeout occurs sometimes. When I try to format .astro the timeout is always an outcome.
This issue happens only after adding the --plugin flag.
What is the severity of this bug?
breaking (some functionality is broken)
Steps To Reproduce
Expected Behavior
Prettier formats file with 'prettier-plugin-astro' and 'prettier-plugin-tailwindcss'