stevearc / conform.nvim

Lightweight yet powerful formatter plugin for Neovim
MIT License
2.56k stars 136 forks source link

bug: Can't format with Rubocop and keep getting formatter timeout #369

Open Lucashdml opened 2 months ago

Lucashdml commented 2 months ago

Neovim version (nvim -v)

NVIM v0.9.5

Operating system/version

Ubuntu 22.04

Add the debug logs

Log file: /home/lucas/.local/state/nvim/conform.log 17:27:33[WARN] No formatters found for /home/lucas/repos/rubyTest/calculo.rb 17:27:36[WARN] No formatters found for /home/lucas/repos/rubyTest/calculo.rb 17:53:10[WARN] Formatter 'rubocop' timeout 18:19:23[WARN] Formatter 'rubocop' timeout 18:21:15[WARN] Formatter 'rubocop' timeout 18:25:07[WARN] Formatter 'rubocop' timeout 18:41:30[WARN] Formatter 'rubocop' timeout 19:43:19[WARN] Formatter 'rubocop' timeout 19:46:15[WARN] Formatter 'rubocop' timeout 19:56:23[WARN] Formatter 'rubocop' timeout 19:56:32[DEBUG] Running formatters on /home/lucas/repos/rubyTest/calculo.rb: { "rubocop" } 19:56:32[INFO] Run rubocop on /home/lucas/repos/rubyTest/calculo.rb 19:56:32[DEBUG] Run command: { "rubocop", "--server", "-a", "-f", "quiet", "--stderr", "--stdin", "/home/lucas/repos/rubyTest/calculo.rb" } 19:56:33[WARN] Formatter 'rubocop' timeout 19:56:33[INFO] rubocop exited with code 143 19:56:33[DEBUG] rubocop stdout: { "" } 19:56:33[DEBUG] rubocop stderr: { "" }

Formatters for this buffer: LSP: solargraph rubocop ready (ruby) /home/lucas/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/rubocop solargraph unavailable: No config found

Other formatters: prettier ready (css, javascript, html) /home/lucas/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/prettier shfmt ready (sh) /home/lucas/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/shfmt stylua ready (lua) /home/lucas/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/stylua

Describe the bug

I'm trying to use rubocop to format my ruby files, i can run rubocop on the terminal but i get a timeout when running with conform. i use nvchad

What is the severity of this bug?

breaking (some functionality is broken)

Steps To Reproduce

use Rubocop to format a ruby file with conform

Expected Behavior

Format my ruby file

Minimal example file

No response

Minimal init.lua

-- DO NOT change the paths and don't remove the colorscheme
local root = vim.fn.fnamemodify("./.repro", ":p")

-- set stdpaths to use .repro
for _, name in ipairs({ "config", "data", "state", "cache" }) do
  vim.env[("XDG_%s_HOME"):format(name:upper())] = root .. "/" .. name

-- bootstrap lazy
local lazypath = root .. "/plugins/lazy.nvim"
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then

-- install plugins
local plugins = {
    config = function()
        log_level = vim.log.levels.DEBUG,
        -- add your config here
  -- add any other plugins here
require("lazy").setup(plugins, {
  root = root .. "/plugins",

-- add anything else here

Additional context

this is my config

--type conform.options local options = { lsp_fallback = true,

formatters_by_ft = { lua = { "stylua" },

javascript = { "prettier" },
css = { "prettier" },
html = { "prettier" },

sh = { "shfmt" },

ruby = { "rubocop", "solargraph" },


-- adding same formatter for multiple filetypes can look too much work for some -- instead of the above code you could just use a loop! the config is just a table after all!

format_on_save = { -- These options will be passed to conform.format() timeout_ms = 500, lsp_fallback = true, }, }


msyavuz commented 2 months ago

Its probably taking longer and 500ms you set with timeout_ms. Try removing it.

Lucashdml commented 2 months ago

I removed and keep getting the timeout, I even set the timeout to 5000 and 10000 ms, and still with the error, and rubocop is working outside of conform, I can run rubocop -a in the terminal and will format and correct the file

msyavuz commented 2 months ago

Conform runs this command: { "rubocop", "--server", "-a", "-f", "quiet", "--stderr", "--stdin"} with file as last argument.

I think either these flags are outdated or it takes longer than 10s(unlikely).

You can try to debug by running the command with the flags yourself or try setting async=true in case it takes longer.

Lucashdml commented 2 months ago

I even tried to config conform to only use -a flag but didn't work(tried the async too), I think i will just format manualy, but conform works amazing on other languages

stevearc commented 2 months ago

Sounds like some sort of issue with rubocop...I would guess that most likely it's to do with the --server option. You can customize the args that conform passes like so:

  formatters = {
    rubocop = {
      args = { "-a", "-f", "quiet", "--stderr", "--stdin", "$FILENAME" }

You can also try messing with whether it formats via stdin or not to see if that makes a difference.

kkcarlc commented 2 months ago

Its probably taking longer and 500ms you set with timeout_ms. Try removing it.

I was having the same issue and this had fixed it for me by bumping to 1000ms. Afterward I went to an async configuration and that worked as well.

rainerborene commented 1 month ago

I changed the formatter options as well. I'm currently using these:

{ "--server", "--auto-correct-all", "--stderr", "--force-exclusion", "--stdin", "$FILENAME" }

It's working fine now.

Lucashdml commented 1 month ago

I'm on WSL2 now, and conform + rubocop is working as intended, I have no idea what happened on my Ubuntu.

kkcarlc commented 2 weeks ago

@Lucashdml I'm not a contributor or anything but still receive notifications. In regards to tidiness, can we consider this issue closed? If so, would you mind closing it?

Lucashdml commented 2 weeks ago

Sure man, I don't mind, ty guys.