stevearc / dressing.nvim

Neovim plugin to improve the default vim.ui interfaces
MIT License
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`<C-k>` doesn't work, while `<C-j>` does. #137

Open savchenko opened 5 months ago

savchenko commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug In the selection menu, pressing Ctrl+j moves selection one line down.

I would expect that Ctrl+k does the opposite, but that's not the case.

:verbose nmap <C-k> returns nil.

System information

        dependencies = {
            url = '',
            opts = {
                input = {
                    relative = "win",

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Load dressing.nvim as a dependency using config above.
  2. Trigger
  3. Try to move up and down using CTRL+j/k
stevearc commented 5 months ago

What backend are you using for This has to be the telescope or fzf backend, right? Because the built-in backend just uses normal mode so you navigate up and down with a bare j/k

savchenko commented 5 months ago

@stevearc mmm... I haven't specified any backends in the config, must use the default priority list.

I do have fzf in $PATH and fzfx.lua installed if that matters.

Output of env | grep -i fzf below:

FZF_PREVIEW_COMMAND=bat --style=plain --color always {} || tree -C {}
FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND=fd --no-require-git --hidden --one-file-system -t f -t d -t l
FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS=--height=99% --reverse --color=dark,fg:#707880,bg:#000000,hl:#b5bd68,fg+:#c5c8c6,bg+:#000000,hl+:#d7ffaf,info:#707880,gutter:#000000,border:#373b41,prompt:#707880,pointer:#de935f,marker:#de935f,spinner:#8abeb7,header:#707880
_fzf_orig_completion_awk=complete -F %s awk #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_cat=complete -F %s cat #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_cd=complete -o nospace -F %s cd #_cd
_fzf_orig_completion_cp=complete -F %s cp #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_diff=complete -F %s diff #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_du=complete -F %s du #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_ftp=complete -F %s ftp #_known_hosts
_fzf_orig_completion_grep=complete -F %s grep #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_head=complete -F %s head #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_ld=complete -F %s ld #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_less=complete -F %s less #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_ln=complete -F %s ln #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_ls=complete -F %s ls #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_mv=complete -F %s mv #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_pushd=complete -o nospace -F %s pushd #_cd
_fzf_orig_completion_rm=complete -F %s rm #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_rmdir=complete -F %s rmdir #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_sed=complete -F %s sed #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_sort=complete -F %s sort #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_tail=complete -F %s tail #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_tee=complete -F %s tee #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_telnet=complete -F %s telnet #_known_hosts
_fzf_orig_completion_uniq=complete -F %s uniq #_longopt
_fzf_orig_completion_wc=complete -F %s wc #_longopt
stevearc commented 5 months ago

I've just pushed support for :checkhealth. If you can update dressing.nvim and then run :checkhealth dressing it will tell you which backend is being used for