stevearc / oil.nvim

Neovim file explorer: edit your filesystem like a buffer
MIT License
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feature request: Pick window to open file into #360

Open HendrikPetertje opened 2 months ago

HendrikPetertje commented 2 months ago

Did you check existing requests?

Describe the feature

When opening a file using <CR> oil.nvim just populates the first window it can find. It would be awesome if it were possible to pick the window the file should be loaded into.

I'd happily hit a number on my keyboard (1-9) to select the window before i hit the <CR> button or do some special key-combo to achieve this without showing any fancy stuff.

Provide background

In other plugins like Luatree the user can pick where to open the file under the cursor. right after hitting <CR> the line under each file is replaced with a Letter. hitting the letter on the keyboard then loads the file into that window:

What is the significance of this feature?

nice to have

Additional details

No response

towry commented 2 months ago

Oil.nvim just need to expose api to allow user pass a winid to

towry commented 2 months ago

My current workaround solution is this:

--- put this in after/ftplugin/oil.lua

local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() -- oil bufnr
--- buffer local keymap
local set = function(mods, lhs, rhs)
  vim.keymap.set(mods, lhs, rhs, { buffer = bufnr })

set('n', '<C-o>', function()
  local oil = require('oil')
  local entry = oil.get_cursor_entry()
  if entry.type ~= 'file' then
  --- pick a window by using window-picker plugin.
  local win = require('window-picker').pick_window({
    autoselect_one = true,
    -- hint = 'floating-big-letter',
    include_current_win = true,

  if win then
      local lnum = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1]
      local winnr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_number(win)
      vim.cmd(winnr .. 'windo buffer ' .. bufnr)
      vim.api.nvim_win_call(win, function()
        vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(win, { lnum, 1 }){
          close = false,
        }, function() end)
end, {
  desc = 'Pick win to open file',
  nowait = true,
  noremap = true,
serhez commented 2 months ago

I would also love to see an integration with window_picker!

catgoose commented 1 month ago

I would also love to see an integration with window_picker!

This is what I am thinking. I used to use this with neotree popup and I really miss it!