stevearc / oil.nvim

Neovim file explorer: edit your filesystem like a buffer
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bug: cannot perform file/directory operations within LSP workspaces #410

Closed namvnngu closed 3 weeks ago

namvnngu commented 3 weeks ago

Did you check the docs and existing issues?

Neovim version (nvim -v)


Operating system/version

MacOS 14.5

Describe the bug

After updating oil.nvim to the commit, I cannot perform file/directory operations within LSP workspaces.

Error shown:

E5108: Error executing lua: ...local/share/nvim/lazy/oil.nvim/lua/oil/lsp/workspace.lua:80: attempt to call field 'has' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        ...local/share/nvim/lazy/oil.nvim/lua/oil/lsp/workspace.lua:80: in function 'get_matching_paths'
        ...local/share/nvim/lazy/oil.nvim/lua/oil/lsp/workspace.lua:273: in function 'will_rename_files'
        .../.local/share/nvim/lazy/oil.nvim/lua/oil/lsp/helpers.lua:84: in function 'will_perform_file_operations'
        ....local/share/nvim/lazy/oil.nvim/lua/oil/mutator/init.lua:393: in function 'process_actions'
        ....local/share/nvim/lazy/oil.nvim/lua/oil/mutator/init.lua:567: in function 'cb' in function 'confirm' in function <>

What is the severity of this bug?

breaking (some functionality is broken)

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Open any workspace that has LSP triggered.
  2. Open a random file to trigger LSP
  3. Try to delete a file

Expected Behavior

I should be able to perform file/directory operations within LSP workspaces.

Directory structure

No response


-- save as repro.lua
-- run with nvim -u repro.lua
-- DO NOT change the paths
local root = vim.fn.fnamemodify("./.repro", ":p")

-- set stdpaths to use .repro
for _, name in ipairs({ "config", "data", "state", "runtime", "cache" }) do
  vim.env[("XDG_%s_HOME"):format(name:upper())] = root .. "/" .. name

-- bootstrap lazy
local lazypath = root .. "/plugins/lazy.nvim"
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then

-- install plugins
local plugins = {
        config = function()
              -- add any needed settings here
  -- add any other plugins here
require("lazy").setup(plugins, {
  root = root .. "/plugins",

-- add anything else here

Did you check the bug with a clean config?

namvnngu commented 3 weeks ago

This issue was fixed in the PR #411