stevearc / pypicloud-docker

Docker image for pypicloud
MIT License
86 stars 34 forks source link

Uploaded package is not visible in UI #6

Closed akashkaveti closed 7 years ago

akashkaveti commented 7 years ago

After successful upload to custom pypicloud, the package was not visible in UI for the first time, If I reload the page several times the package is visible. This is happening every time I access the UI. My config.ini,

use = egg:pypicloud

pyramid.reload_templates = False
pyramid.debug_authorization = false
pyramid.debug_notfound = false
pyramid.debug_routematch = false
pyramid.default_locale_name = en

pypi.default_read =
pypi.default_write =
    authenticated = s3

storage.access_key = %AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID%
storage.secret_key = %AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY%
storage.bucket = %DISP_BUCKET%
storage.region = %AWS_DEFAULT_REGION%

db.url = sqlite:////var/lib/pypicloud/db.sqlite
auth.db.url = sqlite:////var/lib/pypicloud/db.sqlite

auth.admins =

user.cogno = $6$rounds=632571$tLcBK0/8MhNsFGxi$L31M4tKIS2vv6XiMOSNxZsgPFm7vdkJKiT6Y/DqPe3wV6p56vNRcbGvQFK4ufErZ/kWaGsZaLFpzyWaTxPfBv0

# For beaker
session.encrypt_key = YdUt3CC6g0reRFeNdK0KXMyO+VTVZqGDES2Qx9sT23c=
session.validate_key = X6oA63u3PHPbV83IufDJvD78KiFn71Tn0Lr9wq1E/oM= = False

# wsgi server configuration

paste = config:%p
paste-logger = %p
master = true
processes = 20
reload-mercy = 15
worker-reload-mercy = 15
max-requests = 1000
enable-threads = true
http =
virtualenv = /env

# logging configuration

keys = root, boto, pypicloud

keys = cogno

keys = generic

level = INFO
handlers = console

level = DEBUG
qualname = pypicloud
handlers =

level = WARN
qualname = boto
handlers =

class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stderr,)
level = NOTSET
formatter = generic

format = %(levelname)s %(asctime)s [%(name)s] %(message)s
stevearc commented 7 years ago


First, I would recommend filing bugs over at the repo. This repo is just for the docker build.

I'm not sure what could be causing that behavior; I've never heard reports of it before. Can you confirm that the upload successfully completes before you are refreshing the page? Also, is there any regularity that you can find to the behavior? For example, does the package always appear after you refresh twice, or does it appear after 3 seconds regardless of how many times you refresh?

akashkaveti commented 7 years ago

Yeah, it was my mistake to use sqllite in same docker container and I have the service to use 2 docker containers with a load balancer. using external redis resolved the issue. Thanks.