steveatkin / Subtitler

Generate and translate a SubRip file from a video using Watson Speech to Text and Globalization Pipeline.
Apache License 2.0
17 stars 6 forks source link

Server request appears to be failing #1

Open dseeker opened 6 years ago

dseeker commented 6 years ago

Hey Steve, thanks very much for putting these tools together.

I'm doing some tests and for some reason it appears to be failing at getting results from the IBM servers.

FFMPEG is installed and the Node project is installed and running. I can see the MP3 file is created properly but the results text files are empty, and I do not detect any attempt of the application at reaching the server. Here is the log

/ | _ | | | | () | | | | / _| | | __ _ \ | | | | | ' \ | | | | | | | | / \ | | / \ | ' \ / \ | '| / _` | | | / _ \ | '_ ) | | || | | |) | | | | | | | | | | / | || | | / | | | | | / | | | (| | | | | () | | | |__/ _,| |./ \| || _| || _| ___| \| || || _| || _,| _| _/ |_|

? Enter the file name of the video: video.mp4 ? Enter the BCP source language code or customization id: en ? Indicate whether subtitles should be sentence cased: yes | Extracting audio...Generating audio file from video \ Extracting audio...15%

  • Extracting audio...31% / Extracting audio...46% | Extracting audio...60% \ Extracting audio...77% \ Extracting audio...93% / Extracting audio...100% Finished generating audio file: video.mp3 Using model: en-US_BroadbandModel Size of audio file: 440.84 KB Could not extract subtitles from audio file { "type": "error", "isTrusted": false, "_yaeti": true, "target": { "_listeners": {}, "_url": "wss://", "_readyState": 3, "_extensions": "", "_bufferedAmount": 0, "_binaryType": "arraybuffer", "_client": { "domain": null, "_events": {}, "_eventsCount": 0, "config": { "maxReceivedFrameSize": 1048576, "maxReceivedMessageSize": 8388608, "fragmentOutgoingMessages": true, "fragmentationThreshold": 16384, "webSocketVersion": 13, "assembleFragments": true, "disableNagleAlgorithm": true, "closeTimeout": 5000, "tlsOptions": {} }, "_req": null, "protocols": [], "origin": null, "url": { "protocol": "wss:", "slashes": true, "auth": null, "host": "", "port": "443", "hostname": "", "hash": null, "search": "?model=en-US_BroadbandModel", "query": "model=en-US_BroadbandModel", "pathname": "/speech-to-text/api/v1/recognize", "path": "/speech-to-text/api/v1/recognize?model=en-US_BroadbandModel", "href": "wss://" }, "secure": true, "base64nonce": "+j9tKfEFStbz0rDq6l+Cwg==" } }, "cancelable": true } Generating subtitles file Finished generating subtitles file: Finished generating speech events file: video_Events.json

Here's the account with Bluemix image

JeetJayakar commented 3 years ago

Even I m facing the same issue I don't have a blue mix account though I just need subtitles please give a solution