steveberardi / starplot

✨ Star charts and maps in Python
MIT License
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Could you please consider to add date/time and lon/lat on the chart? #5

Closed kinoshitadaisuke closed 11 months ago

kinoshitadaisuke commented 1 year ago


This is a nice piece of work.

Could you please consider to add date/time and lon/lat on the chart?

And, could you also consider to place files "de421.bsp", "hip_main.dat", and "constellationship.fab" at the directory ~/.starplot? Currently, these files are placed at the currently working directory. If I try to make a chart at a different directory, these files are downloaded again.

thank you,


steveberardi commented 1 year ago

Hi Daisuke,

Thanks for your interest and suggestions! I like the idea of adding the date/time and location on the chart — I'll put that on my todo list :)

Regarding the data files (de421.bsp, etc), I'll probably include them (or a subset of them) in the package in future releases to help alleviate data management issues.


steveberardi commented 11 months ago

Hi Daisuke,

I just released a new version today (0.2.2) that includes an option for plotting the date/time/location on the chart.

Also created some documentation at
