Learning Platform client application for students and instructors. Tracks student data as they progress through their core and technical learning objectives.
In this release, we are taking our first step towards eliminating a reliance upon a third party platform.
When learners click the button to start the self-assessment for the the current book being worked on, the API will create the repository in their Github org, assign them "write" permissions, and then send a Slack notification to both the learners and the mentors.
When the button is clicked to report that work is done on the self-assessment, the mentors are notified via Slack with the URL to the repository included.
In both cases above, correct updates to the assessment status of the learner are made, which puts the correct color around the learner card in the instructor interface.
Mentors can now only set the assessment status to Incomplete or Complete since the learners are self-managing the first two stages.
When a mentor reviews a self-assessment and updates the status of the learner to "Reviewed and Complete", a new dialog will appear that lists all of the learning objectives for the book as checkboxes, and a textarea for feedback. The mentor must check all of the checkboxes and provide some feedback before it can be submitted.
In this release, we are taking our first step towards eliminating a reliance upon a third party platform.