stevebrownlee / learn-ops-client

Learning Platform client application for students and instructors. Tracks student data as they progress through their core and technical learning objectives.
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Student capstones entered, submitted, and stored in Learning Platform #78

Open stevebrownlee opened 4 months ago

stevebrownlee commented 4 months ago

We currently have learner fill out a Google Doc template. To further reduce out reliance on 3rd-party platforms and tools, we need a form for a learner to fill out the following information.

Form Fields

  1. Title (text input)
  2. Description (textarea)
  3. Wireframe URL (url input)
  4. ERD URL (url input)
  5. MVP acceptance criteria (textarea)
  6. Stretch acceptance criteria (textarea)

Link to Capstone

On the main learner dashboard, show all submitted capstones that are hyperlinks to a view that displays current state. On current state view, show the following additional info.

  1. Edit button.
  2. Current status.
  3. Optional deployed URL (url input)

Edit Capstone

When learner clicks Edit button, load state and allow all fields to be edited.