stevegrossi / sengoku

An online Risk-like game built with Elixir and Phoenix LiveView
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Introduce acceptance tests with Wallaby #39

Closed stevegrossi closed 4 years ago

stevegrossi commented 6 years ago

Resolves #36 — Thanks for the suggestion @SherSpock!

And introduce a polyfill for modern JS functionality since Wallaby uses PhantomJS which uses an older version of Webkit which does not support some modern JS React depends on.

To Do


That text does initially start out as "Player 1" but should be quickly re-rendered with the name "Yojimbo", so it seems like the test isn't waiting long enough for that to happen, or it's happening too slowly 🤔

stevegrossi commented 4 years ago

I'll go ahead and merge this one even though the specs aren't fully fleshed out, since it adds value and has been a long time coming.