The simulation results of syn_vivado.v synthesized by Vivado using iverilog and Vivado are inconsistent
For this, I tried on edaplayground.
You can use Aldec Riviera Pro 2023.04 and Icarus Verilog 12.0 for separate simulations.
The simulation results of syn_vivado.v synthesized by Vivado using iverilog and Vivado are inconsistent
For this, I tried on edaplayground. You can use Aldec Riviera Pro 2023.04 and Icarus Verilog 12.0 for separate simulations.
This is the simulation result of iverilog
Here are the simulation results of Aldec Riviera Pro 2023.04
I also used Vivado for simulation, and the following are the results
It can be clearly seen that the simulation of iverilog is different from the latter two